I intend to start DS on solids at 6 months (on the 24th), but was unsure about whether I am supposed to reduce the amount of formula I give him. He currently drinks a whopping 44oz of formula a day and his schedule is as follows:
Wakes between 6-7am
E 7.30
S 8.30-9.00
E 11.30
S 12-12.30
E 3.00-3.30
S 3.30 (usually 15-30 mins)
E 6.30
S 7pm
DF 10-10.30pm
He will then wake at least once a night. If it it after 2am (ie 4 hours after the DF), I will give him a 4oz bottle.
His other bottles are all 8oz, and he always empties them. From reading the posts, most people give the milk first and then solids. Should I reduce the amount of formula in the bottle to allow some room for the solids?
He weighs 9kg, which I think is close to 20 pounds so is a BIG boy.