Isn't it dangerous to put the baby on her tummy, especially before 6 mo? Anyway, Hope usually hates to be put on her tummy when she's awake. I'm not sure she'd allow it for going to sleep. I understand that babies sleep more soundly on their tummies, which is why it used to be the conventional wisdom to do so, but that's what puts them at greater risk for SIDS (they might sleep so soundly they wouldn't wake up.
The thing is that I have such a complex problem, in my eyes. First there's the crying/screaming as I try to start wind-down, then there's the short naps (usually only 30 minutes) issue, then there's the fact that she can never stay awake as long as Tracy says, and then there's her desire (accompanied by teh appropriate cries and body language) to eat at the very least every 2 1/2 hours instead of every 3, and often it's every 2 hours. I can't keep EASY to save my life, and I'm really not getting any Y time.
SIGH... :cry: