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Offline pjs mom

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Just getting worse
« on: August 15, 2005, 01:49:16 am »
Sorry to keep complaining, but PJ's night sleep just gets worse.  He is now up every hour from bedtime (7pm) on, and up at 4 for the day.  We then do pu/pd until his 7 am feed.  He naps well during the day - usually 3 naps - 1 2-hour and 2 1 1/2-hour naps.  TOnight, he went down at 7 as usual, and has been up 5 times since, needing full pu/pd and his pacifier to stop the crying.  He last ate 8 oz at 6:45 (but fully awake before going down, and night routine start after the bottle), and before that 8 oz at 4:30.  He eats basically every 3 hours throughout the day, and 8 oz each feeding.  OUr ped wants us to wait until he is 5 months before introducing solids (how 4 1/2 months) as he was 1 month premature.  I am desperate for responses.

Offline Peach

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Going Through It Too
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 12:14:06 pm »
We're going through the same thing with our 4 month old daughter Kasia.  (I posted "Could Naps Be Ruining Nighttime Sleep?")

I know that Tracy's book says to enforce daytime naps, and believe me, I worked hard at making them happen and have enjoyed all the free time they afford me, but................

Yesterday Kasia had a morning nap of approx. 30 minutes, a 1 hour afternoon nap and a 15 minute catnap in late afternoon (compared to the two 2 hour naps and 30-45 minute late afternoon nap schedule I had so strictly enforced the week prior).  Well, last night she woke up only once, instead of the 5-6 times she had been waking before, which makes me believe that her long naps were indeed affecting her nighttime sleep.   So, this week I'm going to try to limit her napping times and see what happens.  I'd much rather have her up with me during the day than be up and down and up and down with her all night!  I was turning into a zombie and the patience factor was getting pretty slim too!

Even though we're told that our babies should have a certain number of naps per day that last a certain amount of time each, not all babies will conform to one idea.  Maybe our babies will just do better with less sleep during the day.  Just keep trying different things.  Someone once told me about babies:  "Just when you think you've got a good routine going and you've got them all figured don't."

Good luck, you're not alone!

Offline zelkad

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Just getting worse
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2005, 17:54:22 pm »

I was just wondering what the temperaments of your babies are when their naps are shorter.  My little guy often wakes at the 45 min mark so I often go in and extend his nap with some patting, soother, etc.  Recently he's started waking at night and I'm wondering if i let his naps stay short if he'd be better at night.  The only problem is that he gets grumpy and whiny :? How do your babies do with short naps?


Offline pjs mom

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Just getting worse
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2005, 20:09:55 pm »
I took Kara's advice, and tried shorter naps - a world of difference!  For the last 3 days, PJ has had a 30-45 minute morning nap, 1 1/2 - 2 hour midday nap, and a 30minute afternoon nap.  He wakes happy from each, so I don't bother with PU/PD.  If he is cranky, I use PU/PD to give him a bit more time.  Each night, he has gone down at 7:30-8, dreamfeed at 11, and slept until 4:30 the first night (I fed him then and back to sleep until 8), 5 the next (same feeding) and this morning woke at 7:20!!  I really think PJ just doesn't need the extra sleep. 
My fingers are crossed - let's hope this continues!  Eager to hear if others have the same luck with shorter naps.

Offline Peach

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Just getting worse
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2005, 00:32:06 am »
PJ's mom:  I'm so glad to hear it's working for you!  Let's cross our fingers that it continues!

I definately see a difference with the shorter naps.  Yesterday Kasia's naps were a bit long but I didn't have the heart to wake her....(had my mother's voice in the back of my head saying, "She must need the sleep, don't wake her!")....but that was a big mistake!  Last night she was up at 10, 11, 12-1 and again at 5:30 am!  For the most part, happily jibber-jabbering in her crib and when I'd go in to try to re-settle her, she'd just look up at me with big wide open eyes like a poor little baby owl!    :shock:  The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that her naps are at the root of this problem. 

Zelka:  I'd have to agree with PJ's lo generally wakes up from her shorter naps pretty happy.  Sure, there are some days when she is sort of whiny/grumpy towards the end of the day, but for a good night's sleep, I'll endure the grumpiness!

Offline zelkad

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Just getting worse
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2005, 12:54:25 pm »

I think I may try to see how Nikolas does with some shorter naps, too.  He will probably be waking soon from his nap and I'll let him do just that rathe than pat him back.  I'll let you know how he does in a couple of days!

By the way, Kasia is toooo cute!

Offline Peach

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Just getting worse
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2005, 14:08:55 pm »
Thanks Zelka, we think she's pretty cute too.  Though her dad and I are presently locked in a battle over which one of us she looks like!

After the nightmarish night before last (see previous post) I went back to shortened naps yesterday, and am happy to report that Kasia slept the ENTIRE night......8pm-7am without making even so much as a peep!   :D 

Good luck over the next few days.....let us know how it goes.