Author Topic: Extend awake time or put down at tired signs?  (Read 1369 times)

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Offline Will and Liffy's Mum

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Extend awake time or put down at tired signs?
« on: August 15, 2005, 07:49:17 am »
Hi there,

I have four month old twins who sleep fantastically at night 7 -7am!  We have just over the last week put them onto a four hourly EASY and they have no problems with the feeding part of it.

They always go to bed awake and have no problems falling asleep.  BUT!  At the 9am and 1pm naps both of them - my daughter especially, will wake at 45mins and need resettling.  We have been using pu/pd and she definitely settles more quickly now, but still takes a long time to drop into that deep sleep. Usually just before I have to wake her!

At 4.30 (catnap time) they go down for an hour and we ALWAYS have to wake them and they NEVER wake at 45mins!

We have been extending their awake times but where do you draw the line at being too tired and making them stay awake?

Our routine is this:

7am Wake and feed

9 Nap

11 Feed

1pm Nap

3pm feed

4.30 catnap

5.30 wake up and give bath, nudey time on the towel in front of the fire
(they LOVE this!)

6.30 feed and bed for the night.

I am wondering if they sleep well at 4.30 because they have only been up for 1 1/2hr instead of the two or maybe they are just really tired by the end of the day!

If I did put them down at say 8.30am do I make them stay asleep (pu/pd etc) for 2 1/2 hrs to get them back onto EASY?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


(Mum to Twins - William and Olivia, 10 1/2 months)

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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Extend awake time or put down at tired signs?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2005, 15:02:38 pm »
Hi there..

You're in the heart of it right now.. and it will get better.  You are right on track with everything.. you're just going through the transition. 

Keep doing what you are doing.. if it continues past 5 months old, then we'll make some changes.. but to be honest, I think you're on the right path.
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004