What I did with our son at three months (and he's a big boy, too!) is gradually wean him off over three days. When he would wake I would nurse him for I think 7 minutres and then stop...he would get upset but I would hold him while he cried (he didn't cry more than a few minutes. The next night I let him nurse for only 5 minutes and then did the same thing. The third night I let him nurse for 3 and that was the last night he woke up to feed.
If you're bottle feeding you do the same thing over 7 days or so and reduce the ounces of milk by one each night depending on how much your babe drinks. We were lucky because three nights was all it took. I, like you, have a larger baby and swore that this couldn't be habit because he would take a full feeding. However, like my doctor said, my baby was big enough that he could physically handle the night without food. ( not that he'd like it , of course!)
Good luck...keep us informed!