Sorry for the late reply. Here are answers to your questions. Thanks so much for helping!!
What time does he go to bed?
He used to go to bed between 7 and 7:30 PM. However, with the waking issues, I have been putting him to bed later (around 8 PM) which turns into even later times (as late as 9 or 10 PM if he can't get rid of the gas bubble). His routine (going to bed and waking up time has gotten out of whack as a result of all of this). However, I am happy to say that his nap times don't seem to be affected...which is wierd. I would think that if he gets gas at night, he can get gas during the day and that would be affecting his sleep.
What times his last meal??
His last meal used to be right before bed, but with the recent gas, I have changed his routine to be about an hour before he goes down. I let him play a little while and then give him a bath after he eats now instead of before.
Does he burp after his last feed??
I don't put him down anymore unless he burps, has wind, or poops because I know from experience that I'll be up all night with him if I don't address it from the start. If he doesn't burp, I know I'm in trouble because it will be coming out the other end...which isn't so easy to pass. :lol:
Are his Poos ok is he consipated??
His poos have been really good. He has been constipated in the past, but I had been supplementing his food with Acidopholus (pro-biotics) and that has seemed to help. I recently stopped because I was wondering if this might be causing some gas, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
Does he have a bath B4 bed??
Not every night, but I'm seriously thinking about adding it back into the routine for every night. It does seem to help a bit.
Have you tried the colic movements with Baby massage??
I'm not sure what those movements are, but I have tried to massage his tummy in a backward C motion and downward pats on his tummy. I have also bicycled his legs and rolled him on an exercise ball (tummy down) to try to get the gas to pass. Sometimes these tricks work, but most times, he just needs to sit and play with his toys where he has to reach for them and it works its way out then. However, this could take a while.
Does he do this all night or only once after u put him down
Just when I put him down...after a feed. The problem arises when it takes him two hours to go down at night to begin with and then I have to give him a dream feed (I haven't dropped that yet) and the whole saga continuew for a couple of hours after that. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants a feed. He hasn't done this much, but it has caused us to have a few long nights.
If he is allergic to dairy could he be intolerant to anything else??
It is possible. However, I have tried to eliminate all gassy foods from my diet and any food that might possibly cause problems like nuts. Unfortunately, I am starting to eat less and less healthy because the healthy stuff is what causes gas. I am starting a food log to see if I can link anything to this problem.
Thanks for any help you might be able to give me.