Author Topic: Nap schedule for my 9 Month old  (Read 1667 times)

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Nap schedule for my 9 Month old
« on: August 17, 2005, 14:22:14 pm »
Hi ladies-
     I'm new to the board, but not new to Tracy's methods.  I had great success with her program when my son was around 5 months old.  Now that he's 9 months old and getting his first tooth, I feel like all the progress that we made is gone!
     Naps are terrible for us.  He usually wakes around 7am, and he starts giving me sleep cues within an hour.  But, if I go to put him down- it's like ww 3.  Sometimes he starts laughing and playing and eventually crying, or he cries, we do pu/pd and he eventually starts laughing and wanting to play.  I"m so confused!!! He was giving me his tired cues, and now he's not tired??  Also, when he does get to sleep he usually won't nap longer than an hour.  What am I doing wrong??  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Heather and Luke 11-17-04

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Nap schedule for my 9 Month old
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 20:01:43 pm »
He's probably just worn out from such a busy night teething and scooting around his crib while he's asleep.  I would suggest not putting him down for a nap right then.  Wait until he should normally nap, around nine or ten.  He will be ready to go down then.  Isom sometimes gives me tired cues after he's only been awake for an hour, but we just have some cuddle time, and then he's back to playing for the next while.  Some people's kids. :roll:  :D


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Nap schedule for my 9 Month old
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 20:10:11 pm »
Hello, I agree with Crystal.  Lindsey too sometimes yawns after an hour and I think it was Megsmom who told me that it was usually a sign to feed them their solids then as they need some energy.  That is if he has only had milk so far at this point.   I keep Lindsey up 2.5 hours in the am and then 2.5 to 3 hours between am and pm nap most of the time unless she gets really cranky before those times but she can usualy make it that long.  I know what you mean though about the teething, Lindsey just got her two bottom teeth and she does seem a bit more tired than normal.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
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Offline CW

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Nap schedule for my 9 Month old
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2005, 18:13:35 pm »
It's funny, because I think by the 8 month  mark, we've had trouble with my DS sleepy cues.  Sometimes it's a yawn, other times its a face rub, sometimes nothing at all, so we have to go by the clock.  I think I remember reading someone's post a while ago that said that they may be tired, but not tired enough to sleep.  That really makes sense to me.

DS is almost 10 months old now and since his sleepy cues are so sketchy, I'd like to get a better sense of the clock.  Right now it's 2.5 hrs between the am wake and nap #1.  The afternoon, it's 3 hrs.  I have a feeling that maybe this should be extending a bit, because he is harder to get down for naps (cries for about 5 mins, where before, he rarely cried) and will nap for about 1-1.25. 

What's the standard awake time for a 10 month old?  11 month old?  12 month old?


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Nap schedule for my 9 Month old
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2005, 03:28:18 am »
Hi girlies!

Lindsey, that Megsmom is a smart cookie  :lol: ...well actually Tracy's techn have taught me and Megan that food is fuel. 

Heather, I agree w/ the suggestions above - give solids if not yet, keep awake until schedule nap time (if not going over the edge) and try giving a snack to perk them up. 
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Also, when he does get to sleep he usually won't nap longer than an hour. What am I doing wrong??
  What I suspect is happening, is that because of the brief awake time.. it's like "I've only been awake for a short time, so I just need a short amount of sleep".

CW - yes their cues do get harder to read.  At 10mos we had awake times of 2.5 & 3.0, then at 11mos moved to 3.0 & 3.5.  Try an extra 15min and see if that helps w. the fussing before that afternoon nap.  It could also be that he is letting off steam, if not the come get me cry..let him be.

Hope that helps.

Offline CW

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Nap schedule for my 9 Month old
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2005, 18:08:08 pm »
Thanks Michelle!  Yes, I think Donovan's awake time in the morning needs to be stretched a bit.  We've been at about 2.75hrs in the morning, and still at the 3 hr mark in the afternoon.  It's been much easier.  Still no sleepy cues really, so for right now, we're going by the clock!