It's funny, because I think by the 8 month mark, we've had trouble with my DS sleepy cues. Sometimes it's a yawn, other times its a face rub, sometimes nothing at all, so we have to go by the clock. I think I remember reading someone's post a while ago that said that they may be tired, but not tired enough to sleep. That really makes sense to me.
DS is almost 10 months old now and since his sleepy cues are so sketchy, I'd like to get a better sense of the clock. Right now it's 2.5 hrs between the am wake and nap #1. The afternoon, it's 3 hrs. I have a feeling that maybe this should be extending a bit, because he is harder to get down for naps (cries for about 5 mins, where before, he rarely cried) and will nap for about 1-1.25.
What's the standard awake time for a 10 month old? 11 month old? 12 month old?