I'll answer what I know about. YES, spirited babies DEFINITELY do what you're describing! :roll: Drives me crazy because I can't sleep through it, but my dd also does that leg slamming thing and thrashes her head from side to side (less now that she's rolling - finally!). I think it's her way of expressing her frustration at being awake when she's tired. :?
When it's that hot in the bedroom, I'd be inclined to put her to sleep in just a t-shirt or a very very light sleeper. Is she sweaty? If she gets too hot overnight, she'll wake from discomfort and if she's sweating a lot she'll get thirsty. When my lo started really thrashing and breaking out of the swaddle, I decided to get rid of it. We had a week of disrupted sleep, then things settled down a bit (they were never great, so I didn't have high expectations!). You might want to either wrap her tighter if you think she still needs/wants the swaddle, or you might want to leave off all covers, especially if she's proficient at rolling - she might want to move over onto her tummy at night for example.
It also sounds like she might be starting to have habitual wakings (4 am, 6 am...) so I don't know if you've considered trying pu/pd?