I have gone back to work so I had to wean my eight month old. I worked at a school last Spring and I pumped so we took a bottle until he was 5 monhts old. I was home with him all summer and nursed him only (no bottle). Now I have gone back to work and I have no time to pump. He is going to the same sitter that he went to before, but now he will not take a bottle at all. He also refuses a sippy cup. We have been struggling with this for a week and he screams and turns his head and puts his lips together when either a sippy cup or a bottle comes near. I am very worried about nutrition and dehydration. We have spoken with the doctor several times, a nutritionist, and our parents as teachers advocate, as well as many friends and family. We are receiving conflicting advice from everyone. There have been a couple of occassions that he has taken some formula from a sippy cup and/or a bottle, but when we try again later, he screams bloody murder. Will this pass? Is he just testing me? Does anyone have any experience with this or any advice. Thank you.