Hi, I've been following Tracy ,half way , since my baby is 3 weeks and He definately knew how to fall asleep on his own either after nursing or after activity, He learned what night was and went to sleep nicely after a bed time routine . I dreamfed a number of times and cluster fed( nursing) , but I havn't yet stopped nursing every couple of hours through the night and putting him back in his crib, then I do bring him to my bed after 2am or so. So he has a concept of his own bed and sleeping himself , but I've made it easier for myself after a certain point in the night .Now he's 7 months. and the last few weeks,i t's as if he forgot how to fall asleep himself .Since I work at night my DH does bedtime and resorted to rocking him to sleep. It works, most of the time, so why is it a prop? Which book. has the pick up/ put down info?
I am pretty annoyed that even though I started easy really early on and taught him how to sleep, it's now, like I never did. Thanks for listening.