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Offline ChasMom

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I can't do this anymore :(
« on: August 23, 2005, 14:35:04 pm »
We've been battling 30min. naps since DS was 12 weeks old.  Well, he's 5 months now and it's been a long several weeks with lots of tears shed on both our parts  :cry: .   We had about 1 1/2 good weeks where he was taking 2 naps anywhere from 1-2 hours each and I thought we were making progress but now that's gone and I feel like we're back to square one.  He's back to 30 min. and I can't get him back to sleep no matter what.  I'm even having a hard time putting him down for his naps and that was the easier part before.  Now, the minute I walk into his room and try to put him down he starts fussing and then it turns to crying.  It's usually more of a nightmare for the afternoon nap.
My back is killing me from pu/pd.  I'm tired.  I'm not eating right because I spend all my time just trying to get him to nap and it seems to be affecting my milk supply. 
Sorry to whine but I guess I wouldn't mind the short naps so much if DS wasn't such an intense touchy baby that doesn't handle being tired well so needless to say these short naps are making for some very long days around here.  Also, because of these inconsistent naps there's no rhyme or reason to his days.  No schedule whatsoever which makes it very difficult to plan anything.  There have been many days when I've had to scrap plans to go out because he is just so cranky from not napping.
His christening is coming up next month and I'm dreading he'll be in one of his moods since it's in the afternoon.

I'm not sure what to do anymore.  Should I even bother to keep trying?
I'm afraid that if I don't he'll just never nap well.  My sister-in-law's baby did the 30 min. nap thing until he was 18 months old  :shock: and she said he was pretty much miserable and overtired all the time until then.  That scares me.
Please help.

Offline Laura~Cooper's Mom

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I can't do this anymore :(
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 14:53:41 pm »
Take a deep breath and know that it will get better.  Do you mind posting your daily routine?  That might help everyone find ways to help you. 

My son was not in any set routine until he was 6 months old and I found Tracey's 3rd book.  Maybe you need to give your little one more awake time?  How about his intake of food?  Maybe he needs some cereal? 

Hang in there.  I'll look for your reply to see if we can't figure it out and I know the other girls will help as well. :D

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 19:10:29 pm »
Hi there,

As Laura mentioned, let's take a look at his daily routine, specifically his awake times, and how he settles to sleep--  his wind down routine, does he sleep with a soother, how does he settle to sleep, does he independently fall asleep? When he wakes up before 45 mins.?

Hang in there.. I think a few tweaks is in order.. when we come up with a plan, free yourselves up for 2 weeks, postponing any appointments etc.
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Offline ChasMom

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I can't do this anymore :(
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 19:20:22 pm »
Thanks for your reply Laura.
As far as a routine, DS is BF and I feed on demand so I've been following a modified EASY for a while. When DS was a newborn and had a short A time, it was easier to do an EASY cycle between feeds.  At 12 weeks is when the naps shortened literally overnight. Once he started being able to stay awake longer I modified it to EAEASY since he pretty much demands to feed every 2 hours and obviously I can't fit one EASY cycle into the 2 hours with him now.
His bedtime is between 7/7:30pm.  He sleeps well at night and will go until about 4/4:30am before he wakes up to nurse and back to sleep
Wake up is anywhere from 6:30 to 7:30 am
E- Nurse
A - bouncy chair/exersaucer/ or playgym while I eat breakfast, then I play with him on the floor (rolling, tummy time, etc.)
After about 1:30/45 of A time he gets a little fussy and wants to be held so I will sit and hold him and we do some quiet activity. 
E - Nurse at about 2 hours (by now he starts to show sleepy cues)
A - diaper change in his quiet, dim room
S - I darken his room and do shh/pat with him on my shoulder until he's very relaxed or drowsy and then I put him down.
(He was going down well and cooing himself to sleep for a few weeks)
Then for about a week and a half he started napping 1-2 hours at a time.  If he did wake at 30 min. he was putting himself back to sleep or I could just intervene and get him back. 
Starting last week, it's like we're at the beginning.  Putting him down is a struggle.  He fights it all the way.  I try to settle him in the crib with shh/pat but if he gets very worked up I will do pu/pd.  If I do manage to get him to fall asleep he wakes up after 30 min. and won't settle himself down.  It's like he completely forgot how to after weeks of doing it.  I will try for about 20 min. to put him back to sleep but after that I end up just picking him up and starting at quiet A until the next E time.   
This ends up throwing off the rest of the day which is basically a repeat of the morning but sometimes worse.  By bedtime he's cranky as ever and just passes out from exhaustion after his bath and feeding.

I've tried playing around with his A time but that varies a lot from day to day.  Because of the wacky naps he can go anywhere from 2-3 hours before he shows any sleep cues.  He's also going through a phase where he's very distractable so feeding him is like a wrestling match with him craning is neck around to look at everything and everyone that happens to be around.  I've been taking him into a quiet dark room for feedings.  I do feel like at times he's not taking a full feed because he's so into everything else.   I think this might also be affecting my supply.
I've been trying to stretch out his feedings to 2 1/2 hours to make sure he's hungry and he's been tolerating that well but I'm not sure how to fit it into the routine. As far as cereal, his ped suggested we wait until he's 6 months.  I don't think he's waking from hunger since I feed him right before he goes down.

I do work about 2-3 days a week (not every week though) and my mother in law and mom take turns watching him.  Mom is very good at picking up on his cues and working on his naps but my MIL on the other hand doesn't seem to "read" him as well and he usually ends up overtired with her.   I don't think an occasional day with my MIL here and there would throw off all his other days, would it?
Well, sorry if this post is rambling and long but just wanted to give you as much details as possible.  As you can see my little guy is all over the place with regards to his daytime schedule.

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I can't do this anymore :(
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 19:34:56 pm »
Hi!  It seems like we have boys about the same age.  How fun! 
First of all, Ryan is doing the bobbing off so much during feeding, too.  I've been assured (on the March/Apr '05 thread) it's typical of this age and if we hang on a bit longer it will get better.   Also, he is much more efficient at eating now, so you probably are making more than enough milk, he just drinks it much faster. 
As I looked at your schedule, I think you might want to try to put him down when he starts getting cranky and wants to be held.  He might not be demanding more food...just to be put to bed.  At his age, he might be able to get himself to sleep without eating again, but every baby is different.  I'd say try to put him down when he's showing the cranky signs for a few days and see.  He might just be overtired from staying up so long...Ryan only stays up 1-1 /2 hours before he's ready to nap again.  Good luck!!!
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Offline ChasMom

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I can't do this anymore :(
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2005, 00:55:09 am »
Jane - He doesn't use a pacifier.  He never really took to it. As far as soothing himself, he was never good at self soothing but once I started to work on extending his naps and putting him down drowsy, he was getting pretty good at it.  There were a few times when I practically put him dow awake and other times when he'd wake up mid-nap and put himself back to sleep.  That's what's so frustrating now is that I know he can do it and now he won't even attempt to soothe himself.  He just starts to cry and goes into meltdown within minutes.

Kate - He definitely is in that bobbing on and off phase.  He does seem to nurse very quickly now also.  I have a hard time knowing if he's really done or just distracted which makes things more confusing.  As far as A time, it seems like this baby can be up forever at times.  For instance, today after only a 30 min. nap (failed attempt at extending it) he was up from 9:30 until 12:30 before he showed any sleepy signs! Which I think is kind of long for his age.  Even after that he woke up after 30 min. and I was able to get him back to sleep for another 30 min.
Maybe I will try to put him down sooner and see what happens. 
Like I said before, I've been trying to extend his feeds and he seems to handle it o.k. so maybe that's part of the solution.

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« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2005, 01:49:54 am »
Have you tried wake to sleep, or going in maybe 25 minutes into his nap and holding him firmly, so he catches the next sleep cycle before the jolt of coming out of deep sleep awakens him?

Also, I would like to mention, my lo was very hard to read as far as sleep cues, and could be up forever, at that age. I just made it a point to put her in the crib every two hours from the last wake up time, and she would usually go to sleep within minutes. So, I'd say try to put him in the crib every two hours and see what happens.

Hope it soon gets better for you, as I thing it will, 'coz he already knows how to do it all. Hang in there.
Mother of a textbook/touchy baby

Offline ChasMom

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« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2005, 14:44:21 pm »
So, I tried a combo. of everyone's advice today and so far my little guy has been napping for almost 1 1/2 hours!  I did have to jump in there but he went back down. 
He woke up at 7:15 this a.m. He had last fed at 4:30 so I fed him at 7:30.
Spent some A time playing.  At around 8:45 he started to get fussy so I picked him up brought him into his room and started shh/pat with him over my shoulder.  He started to fuss and cry a little.  My back has been so sore lately so after a couple of minutes of this he was still fussing and squirming and my back was hurting so I put him down in his crib and kept patting.  He started to cry louder and squirm around but not frantic crying it was more like a frustrated cry mostly with his eyes closed. I just kept patting and shhing.  He would settle down for a minute and then start crying again.  This went on for about 15 min. when finally he started to coo and do that chant like crying and fell asleep. 
I sat in the rocker while he slept (got to close my eyes and relax for a bit myself  :) )and at exactly 29 min. his eyes just flung open.  I immediately put my hand on him and just jiggled him lightly and he squirmed a bit and went back to sleep!
I'm not getting my hopes up yet because this could just be a fluke but it's definitely better than what's been going on the past week.
We'll see how the afternoon goes!
Thanks ladies! :)

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2005, 02:31:21 am »
Hi there.. just checking in.. sounds like you're on a upward turn.

One thing I wanted to mention.. check his weight and ask your ped. he might be ready for solids.  You mentioned in one of your posts that he's been breastfeeding more often, and I think you mentioned about nightwakings ( :oops: my brain is starting to fry! :oops: )  These are signs of readiness for solids, any time between the fifth and sixth month is appropriate. 

Hope everything keeps getting better!
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Offline ChasMom

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« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2005, 14:50:51 pm »
Hi Jane, thanks for responding! I totally can relate to the frying brains! :) I definitely want to talk to his ped about starting solids a bit earlier.  He's a big boy for 5 months (21 lbs!) so I think he might be needing a bit more. 
As far as our progess with the naps, still working on it. 
The morning naps have been better (as a matter of fact he's been napping for 1 hr. and 40 min. this a.m.).  I still am going in there before 30 min. and applying some gentle pressure to prevent him from waking from the jolt.  A couple of times he's opened his eyes and looked around and gone back to sleep.  This morning he didn't even open his eyes, just kept on sleeping and the jolt didn't happend until about 45 min. or so. 
The afternoon naps on the other hand are still a little tough.  I have a hard time getting him down (he fights it) and I can't always get him back down after 30 min. 
His feeds have also spread out to every 3 hours which I think is helping out.  I think I was just feeding him every 2 hours coz I thought he needed it and all he was doing was snacking and not taking a full feed.

I'll keep plugging along and hopefully things will start to work themselves out.
Thanks for all your help ladies! :D