Thanks for the quick replies! I did go ahead and try the dream feed last night. I think I caught her at a transition because she opened her eyes and started eating right away. I think she ate well, but its hard to tell. We're BF. Anyway, she didn't wake until 3am! I let her fuss (not cry)a while and I could tell that she was really trying to go back to sleep. This went off and on for about an hour. I tried to help by putting my hand on her, patting, ect. She would fall asleep for about 10 min and then wake again. At 4, I began to doubt that she had taken enough at the DF and decided to feed her. She then slept until 7:30 am! I am afraid of her beginnng to wake at 10, but I guess I'd rather feed then, instead of at 2am and 5am.
Susana, how is the water working? I've been thinking about possibly using a bottle of expressed bm at the DF or maybe formula? ?? Just so I know that she's actually getting enough. It's just so hard for me to decide if she ate enough at 4am! Any thoughts? Also, how is the 4 hr routine going? I've been reading some posts that warn about lowering your supply if you go to 4 hr. I'm thinking we need to make the move as she is getting goofy on the breast, bobbing off and easily distracted! :?