Author Topic: trouble napping and getting 30 mnute naps!  (Read 1154 times)

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trouble napping and getting 30 mnute naps!
« on: August 23, 2005, 20:31:33 pm »
I am a first time mom and since 13 weeks, my daughter has begun to sleep 12 hours at night which I am very grateful for. however her naps since about 6 or 7 weeks of age have gotten progressively short. She is a very active and happy girl but loves company too much so she does not want to sleep. Her naps range from 1/2 hr to 3 hours, but some days are good and others bad. her schedule appears like this most of the time.

10 am wake up, eat then play
1145 approx. wind down, read a book, rock with lullaby in a dark room and put in crib
*from there she will usually put herslef to sleep however this nap will range from 1/2 hr to 1.15
1:15 pm usually eat, then play
245 pm same wind down. here she fights sleep more and its harder to get her to sleep at this time, pat.shhhhh does not work as well (usually 1/2 hr nap unless in car-haha
415 pm eat, play
530 usually wind down for last nap of day will usually be another half hour but someties an hour to 1 1/2
715 approx eat, play
915 wind down bath eat then sleep

this scheduel is midified when she sleeps half hour becuase she cannot stay awake till the next time she is supposed to sleep. how can i lengthen those naps? occasionally she will wake at 830 am, then eat and sleep till 1. then we start the routine from there.

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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trouble napping and getting 30 mnute naps!
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2005, 02:42:52 am »
Would you like to tweak her routine so she is in bed earlier? I think that will greatly help her.

Many young infants start to adjust their daily routine, into a 7 pm to 7 am, around this time. I think that will help her, since good night sleep will help make good day sleep.

Also, keep her awake time short.. max 1.5 hours,and act on her first sleepy cue.  I think you're right about her enjoying people's company, this is common for young infants when they become socialable-- so they need mama and daddy to encourage onto a napping routine.

Also, be as consistent withyour routine as possible.

I'll check back..
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004