Author Topic: Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!  (Read 2043 times)

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Offline MyBella

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« on: August 24, 2005, 10:33:04 am »
DD has been a great night sleeper from 6pm to 6am.  For about the last week her nighttime awakenings are getting more frequent, starting earlier, and lasting longer.  Initially it was between 4 and 6am.  Over the past week every night it has gotten progressively worse.  I typically don't go in as she does not cry, but I also don't know if it's OK to let her coo and play in the middle of the night.  After being up on and off from 12:30 last night till 3:00 I finally went in at 3:15, turned her over and helped her get back to sleep.  But I'm exhausted!!!

Other facts: she is 6 mos, good eater on the 4 hr EASY (right now at abt 28-30 oz of formula and about 7 tbsps of solids per day), bad napper.  DH thinks she's awake from hunger as we're weaning her off DF and we're down to 1 oz at 9:00pm.  However, since dd does not cry during nightime wakings and eventually goes to sleep I tend to disagree.  We're also weaning her off the paci which she wasn't addicted to a great deal.

Any thoughts?  I don't know what we've done wrong.  She's been sleeping 12 hr stretches since 8.5 weeks old.  Please help!

(Mom to Isabella Bilgi born on 2/24/2005 - Textbook/Spirited)

Offline Laura~Cooper's Mom

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 11:08:57 am »
I was in your shoes at one time as well and I promise it will get better.  Do you mind posting your daily routine so we can see if there are ways to tweak it so you can get some rest?  There are so many helpful Moms on this site and together we can all figure it out.  Hang in there.

Offline kal

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You sound like me!!
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 17:06:16 pm »
Were in the same boat here, we just started a DF because DS was waking a million times a night, well it seems like as the weeks go on his sleeping gets worse and worse, I'm gearing up to start pu/pd in the next week. Maybe someone else can offer some advice to us both!! Good Luck

Offline Laura~Cooper's Mom

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2005, 17:36:20 pm »
Kal--can you post your routine as well?  How old is your little one?

Offline kal

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2005, 19:57:32 pm »
Thanks! Laura, sorry to barge on your post. My DS is 5 1/2 months and his schedule is below.

630am- Wake and 7oz bottle
8am- Nap (hopefully 1 1/2-2 hrs)
10am- 7oz bottle and solids
12pm- Nap (hopefully 1 1/2-2 hrs)
130pm- 7oz bottle
500pm- 7oz bottle
530pm- Solids
600pm- Bedtime routine (Bath, Jammies )
700pm- 5oz Bottle and rocking then in to bed semi awake
1030pm- 4oz DF bottle

We just started the DF recently since he was waking so much at night and at the time were just replacing his binky, we decided going 7pm-6am without a bottle might be to long. The first two nights of the DF he slept all night but then went back to waking up almost every hour.
He used to take a 3rd nap at the end of the day for maybe a 1/2 hr or so but he seems to not want to do that anymore and seems sort of overtired by bedtime so some night I put him down at 630p. Thanks!

Offline Aarismom

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2005, 20:34:44 pm »
Heh, mine's just now discovered the "coo and play" routine. I think It's ok not to go to them if they are cooing and playing. It should stop eventually. If you start going to them on a regular basis, it turns into a game, or creates a new problem of doing this just to get you to come to them. I think when she realizes that you're not going to give her any more attention when she's supposed to be sleeping she'll get over it quicker. If it really starts affecting her night sleep (i.e. she starts wailing instead of playing), then you might want to go to her and try and sooth.

But then, I'm still new to the whole "coo and play" routine. I'm trying this myself, I'll see how it works.

Sonya =P

Texbook/Angel LO
April 26, 2005

Offline MyBella

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2005, 01:17:25 am »
Thanks, Ladies.  Here's lo's routine:

5:45 Wake up
6:30 Breakfast 8 oz formula + 2 tbsp solids
Around 8-8:30 Down for first nap (may last anywhere from 20 min to 2 hours - if nap's really short, we'll leave her in crib for as long as possible as for "quiet time")
10:30 2nd Meal 6 oz formula + 2 tbsp solids
Sometime b/w 11:00 and 12:30 Down for 2nd nap, but the exact time she goes down depends on the length of first nap.  If short first nap, as early as 11am, if nice long nap as late as 12:30pm
14:30 3rd Meal 6 oz formula + 3 tbsp solids
15:30 3rd nap (most consistent nap - usually 40-45 min)
17:30 Dinner 9 oz formula (preceded by bath & massage, followed by a little rocking, lullaby, and sometimes book)
18:00 Asleep (we put her down pretty awake, relaxes with paci, falls asleep w/o)
21:00 DF 1 oz

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on how we might be able to tweak her routine.
(Mom to Isabella Bilgi born on 2/24/2005 - Textbook/Spirited)

Offline Marni

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2005, 21:18:00 pm »
My daughter is 7 months old, and has slept through the night (8hrs) since she was 7 weeks old. A few weeks ago she started waking in the night, so I'd go nurse her and she'd go right back to sleep. I was getting tired and grumpy of this, so I gave her the soother instead and she'd go back to sleep. So after I relized she wasn't hungry, I let her cry it out for 2 nights and she stopped waking and she now sleeps 12 hours a night (8-8). Lots of people don't like the cry it out method, but it worked for me! She is also healthy, a good eater and a good napper, if it makes any difference.

Offline pjs mom

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Nighttime awakenings getting progressively worse at 6mo!
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2005, 21:29:11 pm »
How long did you have to let her cry?  PJ will go on forever, so we are at a loss as to what to do at night!!