Author Topic: 20 Minute Naps... Please help!  (Read 4136 times)

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Offline scarletts mum

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« on: August 24, 2005, 13:31:29 pm »
Dear All

I really hope someone can help.. my dd is 10 weeks old.  She is bottle fed and sleeps very well at night.  From 7.30 to 4.30 - feed - then back to sleep till around 6.30/7.00am.

She is swaddled at night but not during the day as I stopped this about ten days ago and I am not sure if this is the problem?? 

She is on a four hourly EASY and I have no problems feeding.. she is currently taking about 5oz per feed.  She stays awake for about 1hr 40 after feed.. even though she gets tired after an hour... we keep playing.. and she is happy to do this as she doesnt get cranky, just yawns. 

She goes off to sleep no problem but after 20 mins wakes up and it can take an hour of crying etc to get her back to sleep again. I dont pick her up during this time I just pat shush her on her tummy in her cot and put her dummy back in. She does have a dummy but she is not entirely dependant on this as she will happily spit it out at night times when she is ready to go to sleep.  She doesnt self soothe just yet, though she has found her hands!

Do I need to go back to swaddling??  I keep being told this is not good for her...She will sleep for two hours undswaddled in her pram.

I cant believe she needs more food as we have just put up her bottle amounts during a recent growth spurt?

She used to sleep for 2 hours twice a day and at least 1 1/4 hours before bath, bottle and bed time...

What am I doing wrong!!!

All help most gratefully received!!

Thank you


Offline Onewoman

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 17:03:36 pm »
Just a quick reply from me. I think she is overtired/overstimulated and up way too long for her age. My 19 week old can only do 1 hr 40 including her feed. Getting her to bed when she first yawns should sort things out :)
Susana xx
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Offline scarletts mum

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 20:44:04 pm »
Thanks for that.. will try that, she yawns after an hour or so will put her to bed then..  Do you think I should try swaddling her again to stop the jump after twenty mins?


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4hrly EASY
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2005, 01:04:09 am »
Hi Lizzie

According to Tracey's book at 10 weeks old she should be on a three hourly EASY - that could be why you are battling there.

You are meant to go on to a four hourly EASY at four months and I think that 1hr 40 is a bit too long for her.  My two are four and a half months and can only do about that.

I would go back to swaddling if she is waking herself with the "startle" refex - I didn't swaddle my two but they didn't seem to wake themselves.

Anyway good lick - am sure the mnoderators will give you some advice.



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Offline scarletts mum

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2005, 07:58:34 am »

She has been on 4 hourly easy since about six weeks old.. she is a very good feeder and just isnt interested in eating at 3 hours, I have tried before but she will take barely an ounce of feed and I dont want to force her.  She is very spirited and so today I have put her down to sleep at first yawn (an hour and fifteen mins after waking) and she is swaddled.. been 30 mins so far so fingers crossed!!

Thanks for the advice.


Offline nicola f

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2005, 08:22:40 am »
Hi my daughter Carsen is 10 weeks old and is the same as your little one remember it is a guide and every baby is different some need more sleep some need less if she's not being grumpy and crying  she is happy relax  and enjoy having this time with her  :lol:  nicola f

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2005, 08:22:58 am »
Yep, I agree with all the other advice. Sounds overtired o/stimulated. Swaddle, get her in bed at or before the first yawn. at that age my lo couldn't stay up past 40mins.
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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2005, 03:23:25 am »
Hi there..

Yep, look at the swaddling.  That helps the jolts.  The Aussie swaddle really helps with this (General Sleep Board Announcement).  I cut a bedsheet in half, since my little guy was too big by 10 weeks for a receiving blanket.

Overtiredness and overstimulation was mentioned.

Don't worry about the feed cycle length. Some babies have bigger stomachs and can go longer.. my little guy was on a 4 hour by 6 weeks, he just wasn't hungry at 3 hours. 

Let us know how it's going.. take care!
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Offline scarletts mum

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2005, 16:26:35 pm »
Hi All

Well yesterday was a great day!  We had two two hour naps (she woke up after an hour but went back to sleep) and one 45 min nap before bedtime.  We went back to the Aussie swaddle and putting down at first yawn.. We are getting EASAEAS etc.. but as she is on 4 hourly I am not too concerned about that..

Today was a different matter..!!  Went to sleep woke up after 45 mins.. 30 mins pat shush and bribing with her dummy and then sleep for another 45 mins.. This afternoon she has slept for a total of an hour...!!! But by this time she was so overtired etc all I could do was stick to her normal routine and hope for the best!  I am guessing she is making up for being such an angel yesterday!!

I noticed that she is dribbling a lot and sucking her hand manically... so I felt her gums and they feel very hard.. wondering if its the onset of something I have been dreading!!  Plus she is coming up to the 3 month mark which I understand causes some sleep problems?

Ho hum.. tomorrow is another day... isnt it so cruel that you have a bad day after such a good one!!

thanks to you all for your advice.


Offline Kitsmom

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2005, 23:24:43 pm »
I am dealing with the same issue.  Mine is 13 weeks and napping only 20 minutes at a time.  He does not stay swaddled.  He used to love it.  Then he started to cry when put into it and fight it.  He is about 14 lbs and very strong.  Not even the miracle blanket or the aussie can keep him in.  I used a bed sheet also.

He also seems to have hard gums.  So, thinking of trying orajel to see if that helps. 

I have tried putting him down for naps after shorter awake periods.  I put him down after an hour - no help.  I tried 45 minutes.  Still didn't work.  I even tried 30 minutes.  That caused naps to be even shorter (10 minutes).  Could this be a phase?  Two days ago, he slept for 3 hours in the afternoon.  That was by far the longest nap he has had in a few weeks now.  But, the last few days he has been back to his 20 min or less naps.

His night sleep has been all over the place.  Sometimes he manages to sleep from about 7:30 to 5 or 6.   But sometimes he wakes anywhere between 1 and 3, eats 8 ounces then is difficult to get back to sleep.  When he gets back to sleep, it is usually only for a short time (an hour or hour and a half).

I am going insane.  I just keep hoping that it is something in that little brain of his that is developing and he is going to snap out of this in a few days.

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2005, 11:39:07 am »
my lo is the same age, she is feeding every 3.5 hrs because she isn't interested at 3 hrs.  She was napping fine, but all of a sudden she is only napping 30 mins at most in the morning, for her midday nap she is sleeping somewhere between 20 mins to 45 mins at one go. I get her up at 2.00pm then feed her at 2.30pm. We have a little talk for 30 mins and then she goes to sleep for (at last) 1hr 10mins and then I talk to again, she goes up for her bath about 5.30pm and 6.15pm we have a feed and then I put her to bed she goes to sleep at 7pm we dont hear a peep out of her until 11pm, when she has a dream feed. I am up with her again at 4am to give her a feed again.
Mum to Faith
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Offline scarletts mum

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2005, 16:20:53 pm »
I just dont know if its when they are approaching or around this three month period.  We have gone back to full swaddling with the Miracle blanket as opposed to Aussie swaddling, she is not hungry, and I know she is tired... she is getting put down at first yawn.. but STILL  the most we managed today is 30 mins...

I too am hoping her little brain will soon twig that its okay to sleep during the day...!!

The only way I can get her to sleep for longer is to put her in her pram in the garden and rock her to sleep that way... fine when its dry!!! 


Offline corrina01

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2005, 13:01:17 pm »
Today I have a dream baby (may it continue).  This morning we were up at 7am.  She went to sleep at 8.20am so I took her out for a walk in her pram until 9.45am and she slept the whole time bar 5 mins.  I fed her at 10.30am and she went sleep from 12pm and I am now going to wake her (2pm).  But I have read on the nap forum that by putting your hands on them at the 40min mark does the trick.  I tried that today and it works  hurrah.  Like I say I hope it continues.   :)
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Offline Missy Norment

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20 minute naps
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2005, 22:08:57 pm »
My baby sounds identicle to yours!  3 1/2 months old, 20 minute naps.  He is on a 3 hour EASY and is also teething.  I cannot get him to take a long nap except in his swing!  I'm going crazy because I barely have enough time to eat and get dressed.

I tried putting him down at first yawn, but as soon as he knew it was time to nap, is wide awake and not the least bit interested.

Sleeps pretty well at night, usually getting up once.  I am wondering if it's a 3 month thing, a teething thing, or just my fault that I cannot train him properly.  I don't have the pu/pd thing going yet.  He gets hysterical if I do that and chokes because he cries so hard.  I am still rocking, marching him to sleep.  I've ordered a new hammock bed for him so waiting for that to arrive before I start training him to sleep on his own.

He sleeps in his CARSEAT because he has reflux.  God help me!!!!!  Does anyone else have this problem?  He also turns over during naps and agitates himself.

Offline Kitsmom

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2005, 23:53:21 pm »
I know what you mean about not being able to do anything.  I have a 19 month old also, so I never have me time.  It is a crazy house right now.  If I could just get him to nap. 

It could be teething.  I tried orajel (with docs okay).  It made him so mad. :roll:

It could be a reflux thing.  Mine had reflux also.  They do eat more during the day which may explain why they have a nap issue but sleep better at night.  I may try napping mine in the carseat - or starting up his meds again to see if this makes a difference. 

Yet, I can't help but think that it was triggered by the 3 month growth spurt.  Maybe he became more aware and is less interested in naps.  Whatever it is, I hope that it works itself out soon or my husband may check me into the funny farm. :lol: