Author Topic: 20 Minute Naps... Please help!  (Read 4135 times)

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Offline Missy Norment

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2005, 01:07:15 am »
did you 19 month old grow out of the reflux and start sleeping better?  I'm wishing there is hope and that this doesn't last forever.  Any advice?

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2005, 19:06:43 pm »
Let's look at how he is falling asleep.  Could you give us a rundown of how he falls asleep.. ie. wind down routine, does he use a soother, is he falling asleep in his bed, or is he falling asleep prior to and then being placed into the bed?  Also, what happens at the 20 min. mark? Does his eyes fling open or does he cry out?

Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004

Offline Missy Norment

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2005, 22:05:51 pm »
I wind him down with soft music, fan on for white noise, dark room, then I rock him to sleep on my chest because I haven't faced doing pd/pu yet.  He went hysterical when I tried it.

So it takes about 15 minutes to fall asleep, then at 20 minute mark yesterday and today I put my hand on his chest.  It worked.  Only slept until 40 minutes, then hand on the chest doesn't work.

I think now he only sighs at the 20 minute mark, but the 40 is my goal.  I tried pu/pd but then found out he had reflux so didn't know if cries were pain or agitation.

any thoughts?

Offline Kitsmom

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2005, 17:57:01 pm »
To answer your question:
My now 19 month old did have a rough start in life.  Probably had milk sensitivity and a bit of reflux.  But, it was not diagnosed.  Doctors called it colic.  The first 3 months were hell.  She never slept more than 20 min at a time during the day or for more than 45 at night before waking up crying until she was close to 3 months.

3 - 6 months was much better.  This is also the time that I weaned her off the breast and started giving her Nutramigen which may have helped with the milk allergy and reflux.She started sleeping through the night (4 months) - but still had nap issues.  At around 6 months she got better at napping and better mannered.  Now she is a delightful little girl at 19 months.  She naps about 2 hours a day and sleeps around 11 hours at night. 

So, yes - It always gets better.

Jon has the same milk allergy - but this time I pressed the issue and it was diagnosed.  He is on soy.  After putting him on soy, he did not need his Zantac anymore. He is a delight.  Except he does not nap!

Jon rolled over for the fist time yesterday.  Perhaps he has been resisting naps to work on this skill? 

I do a short wind-down routine.  Bring him in his room.  Say happy nap to the birds and the neighbors.  Give him a session with his binkie.  Put him down awake (but drowsy) with binkie and he falls to sleep.  This is all I can manage with my 19 month old running around.

He falls asleep easily.  And until today - he woke up crying.  Today he is chatting for a while before crying.

How is everyone else doing?

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2005, 18:00:50 pm »

Keep doing what you are doing to get passed the 20 min. mark.  When you have seemed to have conquered the 20 min. mark then I would start rocking him less to sleep, so instead of rocking him to sleep, just rock to calm him down, and when you see the drowsy look upon his face (eyes kinda staring, yawning) lie him down on the bed and keep your hands on him like you do to extend the 20 min. mark.  You can use your hand to shield his eyes from visual stim.  It may take a few naps to get into this new groove.. but I would start weaning the rocking to sleep sooner than later. 

Hope this helps,
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004

Offline Missy Norment

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2005, 18:06:29 pm »
Thanks!  I'm on the verge of insanity.  My husband told me to go to a hotel and he's going to "break the beast" for the next few days with this method.  I hope it works!!!!  We also just got him an amby bed for his reflux and used it last night for the first night.  When he moves around, it bounces him, so in essence, he's rocking himself to sleep.  I just put him down in it a few minutes ago awake and it took him 10 minutes of stirring before he fell asleep.  OMG!!!  Just slept past the 20 minute mark too, so now I'm going to check him at 30 minutes.  Hope this works!!!

Offline Kitsmom

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20 Minute Naps... Please help!
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2005, 23:33:52 pm »
Well, time seems to be the cure.  Jon is doing much better.  Starting to sleep 30 or so minutes.  Since yesterday morning, he has had two 1 hour naps. 

Haven't changed a thing.  Just when I was about to start him on his meds again tomorrow, he seems to have broken through.  I am sure glad that I haven't been obsessing.  Hee Hee.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted.