Author Topic: Help Please with 6 Week Old  (Read 1392 times)

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Offline doveyd

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Help Please with 6 Week Old
« on: August 25, 2005, 21:09:56 pm »
My second daughter is 6 weeks old and is a terrible sleeper.  She always falls asleep at the breast and then wakes within ten mins of being laid in her moses basket.  This can go on all day and by the evening she is over tired, looks knackered and spends the evening unsettled.   
I spent two and a half hours today trying to get her off to sleep with out breast feeding and using shh-patting but after that long I had to abandon it.  I couldnt leave my 2 year old watching tv on her own any longer - the poor thing!
So its too early to do pu/pd but with the shh-patting she doesnt always calm down when I pick her up and continue it.  She really wants the boob to calm down & fall asleep.  How do I conquer that? 
I thought it would be easier second time round but it doesnt seem to be!
Any advice would be appreciated!
thanks Dawn x

Offline Florencia

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Help Please with 6 Week Old
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2005, 17:31:04 pm »
Hi Dawn, I have a few thoughts on this (I hope you find them helpful)
1. First of all, it would be lot easier on you and your family if you can find someone (friend, grandparent, nanny) to come over to your house and help you a couple of hours a day (or as long as he/she can) in your sleep training. Sleep training is a lot more sucessful when you have someone to help you with your other lo, that way you won't be so stressed about it and will be able to focus on what you're doing and to find the cues your baby is giving you. If you're distracted and worried about something else is likely that the baby will feel that and will end up in failure (like the 2 hours of pat/shush)

2. Some babies find pat/shus too stimulating (sp. if your lo is a touchy/spirited one). Maybe try to rock her a little or sing some lullabies to help her relax and then lay her down when she's drowsy and then proceed to pat/shush.

3. You say that she falls asleep on the breast and wakes 10 mins later you put her on her cot. Maybe check for reflux/gas and I recommend that you massage her in a C way over her stomach after each feed and burp her so you make sure she expelled all the gas and therefore may sleep comfortable (that is also helpful to wake a sleepy baby when she eats)

4. Is she being swaddled? flailing arms and legs are stressful and frightening for young babies. That also contributes to the dificult in the sleep.

My ds used to fall asleep on the breast/bottle on his first weeks of life because that was the only way he would find comfort. Then, we discovered that he had a silent reflux and the sucking would comfort the heartburn that he sometimes suffered. As soon as we put him on meds, he was able to fall asleep without sucking. We used a pacifier to make the transition (maybe that would be a helpful hint to you also!)

Good luck and I hope you find helpful the advice. Take care!
Mom to Manolo, spirited monkey and Jose Miguel, an angel cupcake

Offline doveyd

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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 20:30:55 pm »
Thanks for your advice.  I have started using a dummy (pacifier) it really seems to calm her down.    I think I need to re read The Baby Whisperer to see what todo so that she doesnt become dependant on it.  At least she can have that in her car seat - my boobs. although getting saggy, dont quite reach that far when Im driving!!!
Ive been winding her for longer after your advice about checking for gas and I think you were right about her being too stimulated by the sh-pat.
So thanks for taking the time to reply!!

Offline Florencia

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Help Please with 6 Week Old
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2005, 16:55:24 pm »
Hey Dawn you're cracking me about the boob thing... maybe waitone more year? I'm sure mine reach up to the next car LOL!

Im glad to hear that you're doing better. About the paci weaning I've talked to a lot of moms here that have weaned succesfully by 6/7 months. Let me know if you want me to refer them to you so they can give you tips about it!

Mom to Manolo, spirited monkey and Jose Miguel, an angel cupcake

Offline doveyd

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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2005, 21:02:39 pm »
I might be in touch in the next few months if the dummy takes off for that referal.   Daughter no 1 is sending her dummies to Father Christmas so Daughter no 2 will have to get rid of hers by then too, else there will be no point.  So you might be hearing from me again before christmas!
Thanks x