To Chrissy: I would absolutely recommend staying with the crib, having gone through this before. I would buy a crib tent (goes over the crib, then you zipper them in once you put them down). Eventually your ds will figure out how to unzipper it, but it'll take awhile I think.
Once we transitioned my son to a regular bed at 2 1/2 he pretty much failed at naps and bedtime for a long time, and never went back to regular naps. We now have "sleep rules" for him (now 4), we he gets rewarded for staying in bed, but he still gets up sometimes (this is only at night, naps are a distant memory). In the worst times, he got up something like 84 times before going to sleep!!!
So if your son is talking and not sleeping, he may be heading down that path, and I wouldn't encourage it by giving him the freedom of a big bed.
Last thought - if you're determined to transition to bed, put gates at his door, so he can't get out of his room, but can still communicate with the world outside of his room.