Poor shocked...
My Harvie had similar things wrong. The EASY plan is quite simple. You can feed 3 hourly or 4 hourly. E (eat) A (activity) S (sleep) Y (your time) You usually start your day at 7 am This is the 'E' eat. then when they are done eating they play a bit. 'A' Activity. When you see them yawn and rub eyes ect... (usually happens about 1 - 1.5 hours since you started to feed) this is the 'S' sleep. You put them down to sleep for 1.5 hrs. Then you have time for you 'Y' when they are asleep. So basically they eat and play for 1.5 hours and sleep for 1.5 hours. ( 2 and 2 if you are on four hourly feeds) THEN... there is more... at about 10 - 10:30 PM you give them what is called a 'dream feed'. (my harvie doesn't even open his eyes for this feed) This is where you *top* them up so they sleep through the night till 7 (fingers crossed) don't be discoraged if they wake in the middle of the night at like 3 or 5. If they can settle down and go back to sleep with a pacifier or something then great, if not they may need a little feed, but then wake them and start as usual at 7 am to get back on track.
It isn't that cut and dried, cause all babies are different, but the sooner you put your baby on a consistant routine the happier they will be. Life was kaos until I put Harvie on a routine and now he knows that when I wake him he eats, then plays and he knows that when he is getting sleepy I will put him to bed. There are thousand of amazing mummies here that have amazing advice, if you can get the Baby Whisperer book and keep in touch ! ! ! !
P.S. For wind, I do baby reflexology... click on this if you can:
http://www.iol.co.za/html/babynet/lookandlearn/baby_reflexology.php rub the inside arch of baby's foot for a few mins when feeding or playing. They may fart straight away as this area is connected to the tummy. I also used gripe water it works wonders. They do grow out of it. Harvie now burps as soon as I sit him up and I hardley have to pat or rub his back.