Author Topic: HELP - still not sleeping through the night  (Read 1706 times)

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Offline Cheryl M

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HELP - still not sleeping through the night
« on: August 26, 2005, 22:02:47 pm »
My 7 mo. old goes into his crib awake at 6:15 PM and is able to put himself to sleep, but wakes at a different time every night between 12 AM and 4:30 AM.  I have been bf him when he wakes in the night and then putting him back into bed awake, and he goes back to sleep unitl about 6:30 AM.  I have been expecting him to stop these night wakings because he is able to go to sleep on his own.  But, it hasn't happened.  I'm exhausted and my husband wants to let him CIO.  I need some other options!!  Has anyone found something that helps to eliminate these night wakings??

Help!  Cheryl

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HELP - still not sleeping through the night
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 00:03:14 am »
I have the same problem..My lo is 9 months old, but is dependent on bottle feeding throughout the night to get back to sleep...sometimes only once, usually several times at night...My hubby wants me to get the problem fixed (cio or otherwise), so I can join him...I've been sleeping in spare bedroom as I wake too frequently...

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HELP - still not sleeping through the night
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2005, 00:07:53 am »
hi - first how many times does he wake between 12-4:30? and how long does he feed for- tale a full feed or just a couple of minutes so he settles.

Unfortunately, there is no link between going to sleep on their own and sleeping through the night.

can you tell me whata "typical" day looks like with amounts he eats (time spent - to get an idea of how much food intake is) and length of activity time and naps?

the key things that will affect him sleeping at night are
1. food - how many feeds? is he eating enough in the daytime - can he take in more?? if he is taking all he "can" for his size then he has no choice but to still have a feed in the night (1 feed woudl be acceptable at 7 mo)
2. daytime activity- is he overstimulated which will affect how he sleeps at nihght
3. naps - if he is sleeping too much it could be reducing his number of feeds
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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HELP - still not sleeping through the night
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2005, 00:49:48 am »
I am in the same boat, except my little boy is already 11 months old!  I use to breastfeed through the night, then this past week, my husband began getting up with our son.  It has really helped- but he is still waking up atleast 3 different times.  I thought there was a connection between being able to put yourself to sleep and sleeping through the night.  What then is the process of helping them make it all night long?  He is getting two 1-2 hour naps each day.  He eats well too.  He begins his day around 6:00 am, so is really tired and ready for bed by 7:30 (at the latest).  Any adive?  I keep waiting for the magic night when he sleeps longer than 2 hours!

Offline SandyGal

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HELP - still not sleeping through the night
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2005, 01:04:37 am »
Usually a baby who is waking at different times during the night and only once is hungry. Try to up his calories during the day, perhaps start solids if you haven't or increase them if you have. An older baby who is waking multiple times at night and being fed probably needs to be taught to go back to sleep without feeding. The great news is that all of you who have posted have taught your babies to get to sleep on there own. Now, the key is to get them to do that in the middle of the night.

First... make sure that you are not rushing in right away. Babies will wake up at night. Sometimes they will wake up and play/talk for a while. Leave them on their own unless they cry their distress/help me cry. If they are crying... comfort them and then put them back to bed to again fall asleep on their own, but no bottles or BF.  Follow the method that you used to teach them independent sleep in the first place since they understand that and have responded to it in the past. Be objective. If your baby is eating enough during the day, the night time feedings may just be a way to get your company for a while.
Sandy-Mom to Kyra (1-7-04) and Kylan (9-20-05)

Offline Cheryl M

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HELP - still not sleeping through the night
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2005, 16:18:52 pm »
Thanks, Debra.  Here is some additional information about my little guy.  I appreciate any input!

Chander wakes just once a night, always at a different time, but usually between midnight and 4:00 AM.  He nurses about 20 minutes and goes back to sleep in his crib.

He has two naps of 1 1/2 - 2 hours.

Here is a typical day (feeding amounts are approximate and vary somewhat)

6:30 AM - wake & play
7:00 AM - bf (about 10 minutes per breast)
7:30 AM - breakfast of cereal (2-3 Tablespoons) and fruit (2-3 Tablespoons).  Then, play
8:30-10:00/10:30 AM - nap
10:00/10:30 AM - park, playgroup, walk or play at home
11:30 AM - bf (about 10 minutes per breast). Then play
1:30-2:30/3:00 PM - nap
3:00 PM - bf (about 10 minutes per breast). Then play
5:00 PM - dinner of cereal (2-3 Tablespoons) and vegetable (2-3 Tablespoons)
5:30 PM - begin bedtime routine: bath, massage, pajamas, bf, book, brush teeth, brush hair, song
6:00/6:15 PM - in bed

Offline Deb_in_oz

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HELP - still not sleeping through the night
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2005, 02:05:22 am »
Cheryl - i really hate to be the bearer of "bad" news but i think he may just not be ready to sleep through yet.  he is feeding really well, napping like an angel and doing 12 hours with a break only for 1 random BF.

if he was younger i woudl suggest a DF but now is when you woudl be dropping that so no point at 7 mo starting it.

if he was not feeding for more than a few min at night or it was habitual i woudl have a lot more to say.  you have what some woudl see as an ideal day - just having to deal with an unpredictable break in your night.

maybe someone else will have a different opinion but it seems like he will just drop that night feed as he increases his solids a bit more - i notice you don't have a 3rd meal yet - i woudl add in lunch at 12:30 or so (since he goes down at 1:30) and i bet as the 3 meals increase to larger amounts he will stop waking for that night feed.

solids and patience are my recommendations. i hope that helps a bit.  he sounds like a sweet and easy boy so i woudl try to keep him that way and def. do not trying to make him go without that night feed if he still needs it.

have you tried EBM or formula in a bottle so Dh could do the feed some nights / weekends?
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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