Hi I'm new to this site, so am not sure if this is a reply or a new topic, but I think it comes within the nap training topic!
My LO is 7 weeks old and I am abit confused about nap training as I have been told to teach the LO to differentiate between nap times and proper sleep time at night - ie let him fall asleep during the day with the TV on! However I remember reading Tracey's book that the same routine for bed time should be adopted when in use for nap times, I am confused?! My LO would easily fall asleep with the TV on and even when I am doing an exercise video! Very recently if I see that he is getting tired I have tried to bringing him up to his moses basket to sleep, but he doesn't seem to fall into a 'deep' sleep and most times is grumbling in his sleep and would cry waking himself up. I am still observing when he takes his naps and usually he would get tired around 9 -10ish in the morning and then at 1-2ish, but there is no set time and I don't go out of my way to actively put him down for his nap i.e I just wait for him to get tired and then comfort him to sleep or even let him fall asleep by himself in his bouncer. I have followed Tracey's advice and have not let him sleep on for more than 2 hours at each nap, but again I do not set a time period within he should be asleep, as long as he doesn't go beyond two hours I just basically let him sleep for as long as he likes.
Should I carry on with what I am doing at the mo, as it doesn't seem to be affecting his night sleep, however mostly he wakes up from his sleep crying and in a grumpy state (this includes in the mornings from his night sleep), it is rare for us to find him awake and just amusing himself, is there something we could do here, or is it just his 'nature' that he is like that? I did the quiz in Tracey's first book and seemingly I have a cross between angel and textbook baby! I might have to do that quiz again!
I hope I 'm not too long winded as this is my first baby and am so confused as to all the advice out there in the books and need some real practical advice from other mums!