Thanks for the replies, I am trying out a few different things.
One, I have been putting her to bed EARLY- like around 6. I feel weird doing it, it seems so early, but she has been going down a lot better. In fact, my husband was able to put her down last night, and usually she balks when he does it.
I am going back to a 3 or 3 1/2 hour easy. I thought she was ready for the 4 hour, but maybe her fussing is partly due to hunger? So, we'll see how that works.
Am trying to keep it low key during A time, but its so hard. I cherish our time to play, so I know I am probably doing too much with her. Will work on that.
She still wakes up after 45 min. even though I go in her room during every nap to try to "catch" her before she jolts awake. I feel like now she is waking up because she knows I will be there to put her binkie back in. Somedays she will close her eyes and sleep (?) for another 10 minutes or so, but thats about it.
We are going to the Ped today to have her weight checked. She had a cold last week and when I took her to the ped, she had only gained 1 lb. in almost 2 months. This makes me think there is a problem with my milk. Perhaps that is a factor?? AGGH! So many unknowns- I feel like everyday I have a new theory and it makes me feel so incompetent and confused!
I dont know anything about reflux, but I will do a search and see if it sounds like Lauren. Thanks for the thought.
Also, I have read about the EASASY schedule, but need a refresher. Does anyone else follow this schedule? How does it work?
THanks for the help- I come on my computer everyday to see if anyone else has ideas, so keep 'em coming! :wink: