Author Topic: How much is enough?  (Read 2205 times)

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Offline Marrat

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How much is enough?
« on: August 27, 2005, 19:16:35 pm »
I just started my dd (6mo, +/-8kg) 3 wks ago with solids - currently she takes about 2tsp fruit for breakfast, 2tsp fruit + 2tsp Veg for lunch and then 2tsp cereal + 2tsp fruit for dinner. Is that too much? Is there anywhere guidelines(eg 7kg - 2tsp etc) to see how much to give them without overfeeding her? Or do I just follow her and give as much as she likes?


Offline txavery

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How much is enough?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 16:42:25 pm »
I just saw your post after I posted a similar question.  Maybe we'll get some responses.  I probably need to call me Ped on Monday and ask him.

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How much is enough?
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 19:46:59 pm »
It sounds like the amount you've been feeding your DD is just right. It's hard to know how much is too much or too little...your best indicator is to keep an eye on her bf or bottle intake, since those are still her main sources of nutrition. If she's lost interest or doesn't seem hungry enough for those, then you may need to cut back on the solids. If she gets hungry early, you might try increasing the solids a bit. If neither of those are happening, then her portions are just right. Those first few months of solids can be a tricky balancing act! Babies' appetites vary quite a bit, and it can be a challenge to make sure they're getting enough of the right things to eat. That said, an "average" portion size for a beginning eater is around 1-2 tablespoons. HTH!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline Bkkmum

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How much is enough?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2005, 04:25:25 am »
I have the same problem.  I started DS on solids three weeks ago and currently feed him 2-3tbs cereal plus fruit for breakfast and 2-3tbs rice cereal plus vegies at dinner.  He has five bottles a day (including one at about 1am) and drinks about 32oz formula.  Before I introduced the solids he was drinking betwen 40 and 44oz of formula a day, so I have reduced the amounts in each bottle quite a bit.

He is also a big boy (9.7kg at 6 months), so I am very worried about overfeeding him.

His schedule is as follows:
Wakes:   6-6.30am (he is never hungry first thing in the morning)
7-7.30am- 6oz bottle
8-8.30 - solids
11.00 - 6oz bottle
3.00 - 6oz bottle
5.00 - solids
6.30pm - 8oz bottle

I have recently dropped the DF as he was still waking in the early hours for a feed.  So now I feed a 6oz bottle him whenever he wakes during the night, which can be anywhere from 12 to 2am.

I am planning to wait a couple more weeks until I introduce solds for the third meal, and am also thinking of feeding him the solids at lunchtime instead of breakfast as he is often not very hungry in the morning (especially if he had a night bottle at 2am)

Help please!
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Offline Deb_in_oz

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How much is enough?
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2005, 06:18:54 am »
i am also at the same stage of solids with dd2 - she is 6 1/2 months and we are on about week 3 (i think) and just added breakfast as our last meal (Olivia also is not a big morning feeder even though DF is her last feed).  she takes less at bkfst so far but generally eats 1-3TBS of solids per meal (i just mix all together  in 1 bowl about 2-3 TBS fruit or veg + 20-40ml formula + a big sprinkle or 2 of rice cereal)  she gets really constipated so i have been careful to limit rice cereal for now - figure i will increase it next month when i have enough pears, prunes, etc to offset the constipation.

she also has 5 bottles of formula per day including the DF which we will continue until she is taking more at her 4 daytime bottles and eating regular amounts at solid meals.  she takes a real range in amounts of formula and i am just letting her determine how much of both she has - if she is into the pears one meal i don't worry about setting a limit because, same as bottles, the next solid meal she might only take a couple of bites...  HTH
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Offline Bkkmum

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How much is enough?
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2005, 12:13:36 pm »

I am a bit confused.  When I use 2tbs of rice cereal I end up using about 100ml formula.  It is still fairly thick when I do this.  Since you use such a small amount of formula is your fruit or vegetable very runny?

Also do you mean that your daughter only eats a small amount of what is in the bowl?   I would have thought that adding 2-3tbs fruit/vegie plus formula plus rice cereal would be alot more than 3tbs in total.  The reason I ask is that I end up with quite alot in the bowl when I add all three together and am never sure how much DS should eat.  I have also reduced the amount of formula in his bottles from 44oz to 32oz (DS always finishes the bottles).  However, with the formula in his cereal in the morning, plus again at night with his rice cereal, I still end up giving him about the same in total.  Is this too much?

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Offline Deb_in_oz

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How much is enough?
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2005, 13:16:34 pm »
wendy - i typed a whole long post and lost iot and it is now 11:15 at night i am off to bed - will definitely write tomorrow.

Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Offline Deb_in_oz

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How much is enough?
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2005, 04:33:59 am »
wendy - i also saw your other post about 2TBS food + 80ml formula + 2-3 TBS fruit or veg = 1 meal.  Normally i would say to let them eat as much as they want - just want to ask about his body language with taking all that food (it is at the high end of intake).  does he actually reach a point at each meal where he tells you he is done (ie refuses to open mouth, turns head away, becomes fussy, etc) or will he carry on eating until you finally end the meal?  does he eat so much or so fast  that he starts spitting it back up?   if not then i woudl just go with what he wants - especially since he still eats so much formula as well

Whe i mix up olivia's food it can be 2-3 TBS pears(which are quite "wet" + 20-30ml formula + a couple of shakes of  cereal (not even 1/2 TBS dry) = total food 3-4 TBS and she might eat 1-3 TBS of it.

i just go with what she wants and when she shows signs of being done i end the meal.  you can always offer more. if you knw what they generally want you can prepare that and then just go with their mood from meal to meal.  babies at the starting stage of solids can eat a wide rane of amounts at a meal - from 2 TEAspoons to 3 TABLEspoons or more.

we have started avocado which i did mashed with a little lumpiness and she only took about 1 TBS of it but it is thick and took ages. i might try it with pears next time and that woudl be runnier and she might take 2+ TBS

with veggies i have actually left out the rice cereal (have done pureed sweet potato and then thinned it out with formula - just pouring and mixing until happy with the consistency)

is your lo crawling / active - is he burning up a lot of these calories?  i personally i use the baby as the gauge for amounts but if he is not limiting himself maybe you will have to see about that with your ped.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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