My lo was up early today (6am) and it threw off our schedule. I'm trying to watch cues instead of going by the clock and we are working on going from 3 to 4 hour easy. I started wind down 1.5 hours after last waking. Normally 1.5 hours is easy for him, and because of the early start I wanted to extend his waking to 1.75 hours for the afternoon.
If he wasn't ready to go to sleep until say 2 hours...would that cause a meltdown? I just had the hardest time since Thursday getting him down. 25 minutes with lots of pupds. normally i only need to shush/pat.
anyway, just curious, is it possible to put them down too soon? or do you think i missed his window? I'm just learning reading his cues. Until thursday he had a paci and i hate to admit he was plugged up too often.
thanks for any help.
ps, how do you add the cool tickers? and photos. I tried to add a photo but it was too large. anyone know how to shrink it to fit the required size? thanks again