Author Topic: Morning problems!  (Read 1207 times)

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Morning problems!
« on: August 29, 2005, 07:59:28 am »
Ruby is now 23 months. She is a good sleeper generally, goes down unassisted, sleeps through the night etc. She has always been a bit of an early riser, anything after 6am is normal, has only ever occassionally made it through to 7am. She can now get out of her cot very easily, big bed is ordered and arriving this week, but for the moment the side is down and a box placed there so she can get out (and in!!) more safely. The problem is this, as soon as she wakes, often as ealy as 5.30am she hops out of the cot and bangs on her door (we have always shut it), yelling mama, dada etc at the top of her lungs. Of course what this means is that me, dh and of course baby Red are all having to start our days at this time too. Often he will only have been down about half an hour since his night feed and he will not go back to sleep if re-woken. Before she could climb out of the cot, she would often wake and then doze or play quietly (or not quietly!) until 7am when we would get her up, that was the rule - stay in bed until 7am.

So now i don't know how to tackle it, i mean we have tried just putting her back into bed, quietly and firmly assuring her is is sleepytime. We have tried telling her to play with her toys until we come and get her, all to no avail, all we get is the banging and yelling.

I was thinking that maybe a gate infront of her door instead of shutting it might help?? But i bet we would still get the yelling.

Please help!!!
Clair - Proud Lesbian Mama to:

*Ruby - spirited angel
*Red - touchy angel
*Rory - all-round angel
*Raphael - blessed with another angel??

Offline kellyhushhh

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« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2005, 08:03:35 am »
Hi i read somewhere that a gate can work as they dont feel as shut away. Also you could buy her a toy alarm clock and tell her that when the bell rings she can come and wake up mummy. This may make her feel all grown up.I think i read this in a book recently. Just a thought, it may or may not work xx  PASSWORD JUDE


Offline Poppy & Lily

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Morning problems!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2005, 08:15:52 am »
Hi Clair,

Just a thought but is her room dark in the mornings? the reason i ask was because my dd used to be a 5am girl :shock: then we got some black out lining for her bedroom curtains and now she will sleep till 7.30am..i think the morning light used to wake her up.  Do you think this could be the reason for ruby waking up early??

Also i have heard that putting a night light with a timer that comes on at the time you want her to get up sometimes work, you just let her know when the light comes on you can wake mummy up??

Or have you tried putting her to bed a bit later?? to see if she wakes up later!

I think a gate would be a good idea but like you said it might not stop the banging and yelling :roll:


Poppy-lilys mum[/img][/url]