for the past month and a half my little one (7months) suddenly started waking several times in the night. I tried water first but she would wake half an hour later, crying... So i bf her and she would sleep for another 3/4 hours and again wake.. i know, feed her more solids.!!!
Easier said than done.. she has a fair bit and then sprays it everwhere. She used to eat more when she was much younger (weaned at 4 months). I started giving her pudding, but i'm afraid she will start to refusing dinner completely.
desperate for some sleep..... really desperate.... she is waking more than she did when she was a newborn....
last night she went down at 7.15pm and at 11pm she woke... hungry looking for milk. i knew if i bf her she would wake four hours later, like clockwork. someone had suggested I give her supper in the evening, but she is too full from having her dinner and I still want room left for bedtime bf. ....so i give her some mashed banana, which she ate, to my surprise! I then gave her one side bf and she settled back to sleep
it was 7.25am when she started to sir this morning. I couldn't believe it.
I know feeding her this late can't be good, but when your desperate you will do anything for some decent shut eye.. does anyone have any similar experiences or any advice... thanks, Lisa