Hi Melissa! I did alter Ethan's routine to basically whatever would keep him happy, and me sane. I didn't feed him to sleep though, that was my only thing I would NOT do. But yes, I did EASAS or EASAEAS, where that last A would only be a diaper change or something. And like your dd, Ethan napped pretty well during the day until probably 10 or 12 weeks, then he went to the 45 minute naps.
In answer to your question, no, his night routine never changed much as a result of his naps (or lack thereof :roll: ). Until he was 2 months old, he woke like clockwork every 3 hours to feed. Which was fine (although exhausting for me! :wink: ). However, we started swaddling late (we had to find a blanket that we could keep him in ~ finally found the miracle blanket), around 2 months, and that helped. He started extending his night sleep slowly to 4 then 5 hours. He went a long time about 5 hours between feeds, then he slowly extended to 6 hours, etc. So, now he goes down about 7:30 or so, with a dreamfeed at 10, and sleeps until 7 am.
Here's hoping that perhaps Lucy is going through a growth spurt, or learning new things (more physically active perhaps?) and that is attributing to her 45 minute naps. Or, perhaps it's just the age? I never could figure out why Ethan suddenly started 45 minute naps, nor why they ended! I was just so thankful that they did!
Here's hoping for a good night for you!
~~~~~~Sleepy vibes~~~~~~ to Lucy
(for tonight and for naps!)