Author Topic: WHEN will this get better????  (Read 1547 times)

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Offline Lucysmom

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WHEN will this get better????
« on: August 31, 2005, 01:45:37 am »
Hi -

Need to vent and also hopefully get some advice/encouragement!!!

My dd (13 weeks) has reverted to short napping.  The problem is that she can wake up during any of the jolts so I pretty much have to stay in her nursery.  So I have done just that for the past week and have managed to extend most naps by patting her bum before she wakes up completely.  If she wakes up completely. I can't do anything to get her back to sleep.  Yesterday I did not need to intervene for 2 of her naps.  I thought things would keep improving but today was not a good day.  I had to intervene during all of her naps and she had a 45 minute nap because she managed to wake up completely.  I am also now finding that when I put her to bed for the night I have to stay in her room for an hour and fifteen minutes as she has trouble with jolts up until then.....It has only been a week of me doing this but it is just so depressing.  Am I really helping her learn to make it through the jolts if I pat her bum as needed through them?  Should I just let her be a short napper and wait until she consolidates her naps on her own in a few months?  How long will it take until she is back sleeping through the jolts and being a happy, rested baby?    Would introducing pu/pd make a major difference in this?

Some info:  She is swaddled, I am keeping stimulation very low, we have a wind down routine, her room is darkened, I am putting her down drowsy but awake, her awake time is about 1.5 hours, I have not introduced any new toys and am not putting her under her play gym.......Basically overnight she lost her ability to nap.   

Some words of wisdom and encouragement are needed here - sorry to be so needy.   :(  :oops:  I am trying to keep things in perspective but failing miserably today.

Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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WHEN will this get better????
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 01:55:43 am »
I don't really have any words of wisdom for you, cause our ds was a 45 minute napper... perpetually!   :?   However, about a month or so ago, it was like he finally 'got it', and started sleeping longer.  We were like you, we swaddled, had a wind down routine, etc., but nothing doing. 

And I had very little success in extending his naps.  It was like once he woke up, he was up, even if he was mad about it!  I tried pat/shh and pu/pd, all that made him even more upset.  Every once in a blue moon could I get him to extend his naps, and it was almost more exhausting to me and him to try for 2 hours!

Anyway, I'm not much help, but want you to know you have my {{{{hugs}}}} and sympathy, I have been there!   :roll:   Here's hoping you have good naps in your immediate future!   :)

Offline Lucysmom

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WHEN will this get better????
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2005, 02:03:02 am »
Thanks for the hug Tammy!!!!  Ethan is a cutie!  I am sorry you had to deal with 45 naps as well.  Did his night sleep deteriorate as a result?  I am petrified of that.  Did you just alter the routine to keep him happy (like doing EASASEASA....)?  If I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel I would feel so much better.  It does make me feel better knowing that he suddenly "got it".  It amazes me that she was a great napper for about 3 weeks and now she is not anymore....

I think she is waking up for the second time tonight so must run.  :(   Thanks again for your sympathy....

Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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WHEN will this get better????
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2005, 02:37:35 am »
Hi Melissa! I did alter Ethan's  routine to basically whatever would keep him happy, and me sane.  I didn't feed him to sleep though, that was my only thing I would NOT do.  But yes, I did EASAS or EASAEAS, where that last A would only be a diaper change or something.  And like your dd, Ethan napped pretty well during the day until probably 10 or 12 weeks, then he went to the 45 minute naps.

In answer to your question, no, his night routine never changed much as a result of his naps (or lack thereof  :roll: ). Until he was 2 months old, he woke like clockwork every 3 hours to feed.  Which was fine (although exhausting for me!  :wink: ).  However, we started swaddling late (we had to find a blanket that we could keep him in ~ finally found the miracle blanket), around 2 months, and that helped.  He started extending his night sleep slowly to 4 then 5 hours.  He went a long time about 5 hours between feeds, then he slowly extended to 6 hours, etc.  So, now he goes down about 7:30 or so, with a dreamfeed at 10, and sleeps until 7 am. 

Here's hoping that perhaps Lucy is going through a growth spurt, or learning new things (more physically active perhaps?) and that is attributing to her 45 minute naps.  Or, perhaps it's just the age?  I never could figure out why Ethan  suddenly started 45 minute naps, nor why they ended!  I was just so thankful that they did!

Here's hoping for a good night for you! 

~~~~~~Sleepy vibes~~~~~~ to Lucy
(for tonight and for naps!)

Offline marylou

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WHEN will this get better????
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2005, 12:54:58 pm »
Hi Melissa,

I just wanted you to know that you are NOT ALONE!!  I am in the same boat as you!!  This is all very frustrating.  I think I may buy Tracy's first I have only purchased the second one.

My little guy is down for his first nap as I write this....and after yesterday...I have decided that it is NOT worth it to me to torture him for an hour at a time with pu/pd......if he only sleeps for 30 minutes...then I will have quiet play time and keep him on 3 hour easy for now. 

I feel like a failure....but I picked him up this morning and had to change his outfit...(he had pp'ed through)...and as I quickly put him back down..he started to kick and shake and scream.............

..........I am now convinced that I have TRAUMATIZED HIM........... :(  :(  :(  and will NOT be doing that again.....

I think he will consolidate his sleep when he is a bit older....he sleeps great at I am not going to push things.

Hope you have a better day than yesterday.....and know that I am right there with you.



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WHEN will this get better????
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2005, 14:06:28 pm »
This must be a stage because my DD started that at 10 weeks also.  Now she is does 45 min naps.  I have had success extending them if I get in there before she fully awakes but if she wakes up she is up for good, even if she is unhappy about it.
Abigail born May 26, 2005

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WHEN will this get better????
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2005, 18:57:37 pm »
Oh ladies.. I just wanted to let you know that it's going to get better, I promise!

When Brendan was a young infant, between 2-4 months of age, I thought I was going to go insane.  The short napping was unbearable.. it took a lot of management and guidance.  There were days that I felt like a slave to his naps, and I literally dreaded 45 mins.

But I tell you.. it improved and got better.. and we worked at it, and tweaked whenever we needed to. We went through times whenI thought we had the short napping beaten and behind us.. and then it would come back.  Those days were the roughest.

And then around 5/6 months of age... he got over it completely and we never looked back.

Hang in there.. big hugs to you!
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004