Author Topic: Almost 2 - was sleeping through - now back to night wakings.  (Read 1149 times)

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Offline AmyGK

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Almost 2 - was sleeping through - now back to night wakings.
« on: August 31, 2005, 10:49:48 am »
Hey there -

My almost 2yo DS has always been a poor sleeper - and we've come a long way in the past 10 months.  We had a magical 10day period about 45 days ago where he finally learned to go to sleep on his own in his crib at night - was sleeping through - and sleeping for 10 hours - plus a 1.5 to 2 hour nap.  Heaven!  We went on a vacation where the sleep went down the toilet - but we've worked back to him going to sleep on his own for naps and bedtime.  But... now he is back to waking in the night and wanting me.  I just go in and lay him back down, turn on his FP Ocean Wonders Aquarium and sit by his crib til he closes his eyes.  Apparently, I need to do less of this b/c he obviously wants it enough to call me in during the night.  He wakes at least once - last night 4 times~~~~.  I am also struggling with insomnia on my own - a result of the first 14 months of his life when he was up 7x per night nursing.  Ugh.  I just want to resolve this night waking issue (oh, and early wakings too) and get on with life.  My DH and I would love to have another child -but I am just too physically depleted to carry a baby right now. 

Have you had any experience with this?  Any tips?  I am anti-CIO - but am open to anything else!!!!

Thanks for reading!

Mom to Garrett born Sept 2003

Offline marni_myers

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Almost 2 - was sleeping through - now back to night wakings.
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 20:07:46 pm »
My son of 20 months is having the same issues. At 4 months of age he was sleeping through the night and now, for the past few months, waking. He wakes 2-3 evenings a week anytime between midnight and 3 am. Sometimes, many times a night.

Our bedroom is next to his so we say through a closed door, "Honey, it's Daddy (Mommy). Go to sleep. It's night night, very late." It sometimes works and he goes back to sleep. And, it sometimes miserably fails and he continues to cry and whine. After an hour or more of crying, not out of pain but possibly from separation anxiety, we end up going in to change a diaper and make sure he's alright. Daddy started a terrible habit of putting him in front of Baby Einstein DVDs and he's hooked. We've tried to go cold turkey on the DVDs but after many cries out through the night a short DVD and then to bed is faster then listening to him at all odd times of the night or very early morning.

Have you received any advice as of yet? We could really use some.

Sleeping in Denver, Colorado
I have a 20 month old who has been waking in the middle of the night for many months now. He was sleeping through the night by his 4th month but has changed his pattern. HELP! Believe we have tried everything.