Author Topic: naps & reflux  (Read 1213 times)

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Offline Lydia'sMama

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naps & reflux
« on: August 31, 2005, 14:43:38 pm »
I have a quick question for you experienced Baby Whisperers!  My 9 week old Lydia is doing much better at sleeping in her crib for naps.  (She's great at night!)  However, she wakes up 30 minutes into a nap & then is VERY difficult to get back to sleep.  I don't know what to do.  I've tried letting her cry but she gets so worked up that she pretty much makes herself sick - and since she's been diagnosed with reflux I don't want that!  I've also tried going in & trying to get her to go back to sleep without picking her up (shh-shh & pat-pat.)  That can last for up to 30 minutes or and hour.  Then it's time to get her up & out of the crib for a feeding.  Lately I've been so tired of trying to get her back to sleep, and she's SO overtired & cranky that I have her start naptime in the crib.  I leave her in the crib as long as she'll sleep.  Then, I try to get her to go back to sleep.  If she doesn't go back to sleep I put her in her swing.  Then she'll rack out for another 30-60 minutes.  If we're out & about during naptime she sleeps like a champ.  I want her sleeping like a champ at home too!  This is what our normal schedule/day looks like when we're home.  :)

7:00am - Meds
7:15 or 7:30 - Feeding
8:30 - Start winding down for a nap (she's great about this one - she's usually out by 9am)
10:00 - Meds
10:30 - Feeding
11:45 - Start winding down for a nap
1:30 - Feeding
2:15 - Start winding down for a nap
4:00 - Meds
4:30 - Feeding
5:15 - Start winding down for a nap
7:00 - Meds, Bath & into Jammies
7:30 - Feeding
8:00 - Walk the dog (Lydia in the front pack)
8:30 - Bedtime
10:30 - Dream Feeding

Anyway, the biggest pain is the meds part.  I have to give her one medicine 30 minutes before she nurses or she has reflux issues so that cuts into naptime.  Her first morning nap is usually no problem mostly b/c we're out & about so she'll sleep the whole time she's supposed to.  It's the rest of the day that is a struggle.  I'm pretty uptight about her feeding/EASY schedule & am TRYING to get her to nap more than 30 minutes but am at my wits end!  I have no "Y" (you time!)  My schedule is more like EAS.  Any suggestions?  Maybe she just needs to get older & naps will regulate a bit more?!?!  She'll be 10 weeks on Monday...  Sorry this was so long.

<><  Lydia's Mama in Italia!
Lydia'sMama in Italy

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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naps & reflux
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 19:05:35 pm »
Definately.. with maturity and development, her naps will consolidate.

Since she is young, and the reflux is an issue.. I would recommend doing a little bit of accidental parenting in the meantime.  So, help her to fall asleep in her crib (making sure that the crib mattress is on a slight angle to aid digestion and keep those tummy acids down). Keep her awake times short, and don't overstimulate. 

There is a post in the sticky thread about newborns and sleep.. I just put it in today. It's about jolts and partial awakenings, and how to support your child through it. So take a look at it.

Also, a soother can help with settling and reflux.

If all else fails, and she's not settling back to sleep, and she's uncomfortable and in pain, then definately use the swing. 

She won't be doing this forever.. so it's a quick fix while her little body handles the reflux.

Take care,
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004