I've posted before about this subject, but I'll see if I can get more advice.
My son is 7 months old, weighs about 23 pds. He was 1 month premature though. Anyway I'm confused on how much milk I should feed him.
Here's our daily thing:
6- 6.30 am Wake
7:30 5 oz. milk
8:00 Breakfast 4-5 tbsp.
Bath and Nap
11-11.30 5 oz milk
12:00 Lunch 4-5 tbsp
3:30 5 oz. milk
5:00 Dinner 4-5 tbsp
6.30-7.00 Bedtime with a 5oz bottle
1:00 am 5 oz. bottle
So as you can see he's getting about 25 oz at the most of breastmilk and formula. Is this OK? The problem is it is so hard to make him finish his 5 oz. bottle and sometimes he'll just drink like 2 oz. So he drinks more like 21-22 oz. Like tonite before bedtime, he just doesn't want it. It is such a struggle when it's time for his bottle. I'm started to dread it so much. To get him to finish the bottle I have to sing, take him outside, distract him, etc.
I'm worried because I read eveywhere how he is supposed to drink lots of milk, etc. So is this enough? If he doesn't want it should I respect that? Should I skip dinner and just make him be hungry for his bedtime bottle?
Should I just give him cereal every day and mix it with milk so he can get more fluids, cause if I mix it with fruit, it will get to runny.
When do they stop drinking milk like they're drinking now? When does it stop being such a big deal if they don't drink their milk? This milk situation just started about 1 month ago and at first I wouldn't make him drink his milk until I read about the milk and how many oz. they should drink for their age.
Which is funny because before 6 months he would drink 4 or more oz every 2-2.5 hours. But that's another story.
So my parents are like well if he doesn't want any milk, don't feed him, because he doesn't like it. Or my ped, that says give him a better flavoured formula so he would want to drink it. (He currently drinks thawed breastmilk which I just found out it doesn't taste that good after being thawed and Nutramigen which basically tastes like dogfood.) So what I started doing is adding a little bit of rice cereal to either one for a sweeter taste. Today he did better except at nite.
So any suggestions? Thanks