Author Topic: Time to get out and do things... when???  (Read 1277 times)

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Time to get out and do things... when???
« on: September 01, 2005, 10:21:28 am »
Hi all,
I am fairly new to the baby whisperer methods and overall, really like Tracy's philosophy. I am struggling with the rigid routine though, as I find that I am stuck at home all day trying to get my 13 week old daughter to nap at the right times. I definitely want to put her needs first, but sometimes I would like to go out with her to do an activity (strollercize is the latest!  :) ), or get some shopping done, etc and I feel like there is almost no time to get out as there is really only about an hour of activity time before I am winding down and trying to get her down for a nap. Does napping in a stroller or car seat count? I'd love your thoughts... You all seem so experienced! How do you manage to get out and do things?

Thanks everyone!!!

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Time to get out and do things... when???
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 10:32:42 am »
welcome along!

i personally never thought of BW as a routine or schedule but rather a WAY of doing things.  if you get to know your child you can gauge what will work for them.  if they are sleeping independently (ie- you don't feed them to sleep or rock, etc) then i often took dd1 out and put her to sleep in the stroller for 1 nap. it is not a prop if your lo does not NEED it to go to sleep (if the only place lo slept is the stroller than that woudl be anti-BW)  make sense?

to be respectful (another BW concept) of dd1 though i always fully covered the stroller so she was not having to go to sleep in the middle of a mall with tons of distractions or with people looking in at her.

it also works well if you know that lo usually does a great nap at a particular time of day (ie first nap) to stick to that one at home and choose either the second nap or catnap slot knowing it will have less impact on lo if it is short or in 2 bursts...  HTH
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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