I have moved her on to 4 hour EASY, so that the last feed is a df and I can put her to bed earlier.
Day 1 - Watched like hawk to put down for naps - 45 min nap am and pm, and a 2.5 hour lunchtime nap.
Bed at 6pm, df at 10pm woke at 2.30am, feed at 4.30pm back to sleep for 1.5 hours at 5am.
Day 2 -Same naps ( so at least she is getting a better middle of the day nap)
Bed at 7pm - played happily in cot in dark until she naturally dirfted off at 8.15pm
Df at 10.45pm woke at 3.30pm, feed at 4.30am
Day 3 - Awake until 7am, 45 min nap, feed at 8.45am, nap at 9.15am
So we are all to pot!
Normally she lasts the night in one nightime nappy, but since the df (also changed nappy then) she keeps waking up having wet the bed??
Not sure whether to stop df and make bedtime the last feed as before or try wake to sleep or both?