I have been working with my 4 1/2 month old son for awhile to get him to sleep through the night- he gets up generally twice or more...
three nights ago i really tanked him up (did two dream feeds)- he woke only at 3AM, took almost no milk, then down until 7 AM.
two nights ago I did two dream feeds again, 10:15 PM and 11PM- he woke at 0430, took 3 ounces and then slept until 0730.
last night, did two dream feeds again- 1030pm and 11:10- he woke at 0130, 0230, 0430 and then up for the day at 0550. when he got up during the night, he took only an ounce or two (5 ounces only over the first three wakings) and immediately fell asleep in my arms.
any ideas? i would appreciate ANY input-- now that i've had two nights of close to normal sleep i DONT want to go back, if i can help it.