Nothing is ever consistent in my house. Either she takes short morning or short afternoon naps. Mostly though, it's the afternoon I'm struggling with. Today, had 2 good morning naps. Then spent an hour trying to get her to go to sleep for afternoon nap. Finally she fell asleep and she's up 1/2 hour later. Spent another 40min trying to get her back to sleep and finally gave up. When she does take an afternoon nap, then I can't get her to catnap. It's horrible. I have a cranky baby from 1 hour awake on, and I try in vain to keep everything very low key to keep her up till 1.5. I've never successfully kept her up to 2 hours without it being because we were out, or something. And the past few days, even when she's had a good nap, she starts getting cranky around 1 hour. I've had to resort to walking around the house with her, because she doesn't want to be put down. Nothing appeases her except walking. I don't understand what's happening with the afternoon naps, and the early crankiness. Do babies get cranky when they are growing or changing in some way? I didn't think a growth spurt could make you cranky, but who knows. And if I'm already limiting stimulation, what can I do about the afternoon naps? I'm afraid to put her down at 1 hour, because that never works. I have to go by the clock because she sighs and gets cranky too early to put to bed. I'm trying to go to 4hour easy, but can't do it because she just cannot stay up. Help, what am I doing wrong? Can I at least hope that someone's answer will be she will grow out of it?