Author Topic: Afternoon Napping driving me insane  (Read 1896 times)

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Offline cwolff

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« on: September 02, 2005, 01:23:34 am »
Nothing is ever consistent in my house.  Either she takes short morning or short afternoon naps.  Mostly though, it's the afternoon I'm struggling with.  Today, had 2 good morning naps.  Then spent an hour trying to get her to go to sleep for afternoon nap.  Finally she fell asleep and she's up 1/2 hour later.  Spent another 40min trying to get her back to sleep and finally gave up.  When she does take an afternoon nap, then I can't get her to catnap.  It's horrible.  I have a cranky baby from 1 hour awake on, and I try in vain to keep everything very low key to keep her up till 1.5.  I've never successfully kept her up to 2 hours without it being because we were out, or something.  And the past few days, even when she's had a good nap, she starts getting cranky around 1 hour.  I've had to resort to walking around the house with her, because she doesn't want to be put down.  Nothing appeases her except walking.  I don't understand what's happening with the afternoon naps, and the early crankiness.  Do babies get cranky when they are growing or changing in some way?  I didn't think a growth spurt could make you cranky, but who knows.  And if I'm already limiting stimulation, what can I do about the afternoon naps?  I'm afraid to put her down at 1 hour, because that never works.  I have to go by the clock because she sighs and gets cranky too early to put to bed.  I'm trying to go to 4hour easy, but can't do it because she just cannot stay up.  Help, what am I doing wrong?  Can I at least hope that someone's answer will be she will grow out of it?

Offline cwolff

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2005, 01:26:01 am »
PS:  I've also done the go in at 40 min mark, that's how I've managed to get the 2 morning naps today.  Sometimes she seems to just sail thru, but today she woke up in the afternoon without so much as a noise to indicate she was coming out of sleep.  I was on the computer, and by the time I got in there, she was wide awake.

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2005, 16:01:50 pm »
I think you have to commit to going in at the 35 minute mark so you don't miss the Heather10s response in thread "how do i know if 45 min. is my baby's biorythym..."

good luck today.

i gotta go, it's nearing 35!

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 16:06:10 pm »
Hello, have you tried letting her catnap in her swing?  I think if you can get two good naps out of her in her crib then letting her catnap in her swing in the evening is fine.
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Offline cwolff

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2005, 18:31:03 pm »
The funny thing about the swing is that she used to sleep in it all the time.  Then we transitioned her to the crib.  Now, when I try to put her in for a catnap, or even to just hang out, she doesn't like it.  She looks at me like, "What the heck are you doing to me?"  Otherwise, the swing would be my first choice for catnapping.  Even if she took a good afternoon nap, I could forgo fighting the catnap thing.  But now she's doing the 30min afternoon nap too.  I'm not sure if I'm putting her down too soon, or too late!  I'm going to check out the post from Heather.  Thanks.

Offline Aarismom

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2005, 19:26:17 pm »
My lo started doing the long morning nap, 30-45 min afternoon nap, or vice versa thing around your lo's age too (that was just a few weeks ago). Unfortunately it degenerated into all around 45 min naps, and we haven't recovered yet. The third nap was always pretty short, no matter how tired she was. She's getting plenty of sleep at night (12-13 hours).

I'm wondering if it's just a transition thing from staying up less than 2 hours to staying up a solid two hours, since biorhythmically a lot changes/begins to mature between 3 and 5 months. Swing doesn't work for me anymore either. Going in at the 30 min mark use to work, but rarely seems to work anymore. Putting her to bed closer to 2 hours doesn't seem to help either, nor does putting her to bed earlier. I figure I'll just have to weather this one out until she sleeps longer naps closer to 2 hours.

Just thought you'd like to know that someone else had the same problem...sorry no ideas on this one.  :roll:

Sonya =P

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Offline cwolff

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2005, 01:30:47 am »
Thanks!  Today wasn't as bad as yesterday.  Everyone seems to say their babies sleep well at night, even if they don't nap during the day, but she slept horribly last night.  Took forever to get her to sleep then she woke up for the next couple of hours.  Then her normal feeding and noises from 4-6am.  I'm exhausted, I can't believe she isn't.  But the napping today was OK.  Morning 2 naps (she gets up at 6am) were 1 1/2 - 2 hours.  Then afternoon nap was 1 1/2 hours.  Unfortunately, still can't get her to catnap, I actually took a drive but that didn't help.  So she's still up too much till bedtime.  We are putting her to bed 1/2 hour earlier tonight.  I don't know if it made any difference, but this afternoon, instead of trying to keep her up, when she started to get fussy I waited only a few minutes and put her to sleep.

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2005, 19:05:38 pm »
How's it going? Has it improved or stayed the same?

A few things.. you might want to play with her awake time for the afternoon. As the day progresses, infants get more and more tired and have a harder time settling to sleep.  What about actually keeping her afternoon awake time short.. so just focussing on extending the morning nap time and keep extending the naps by going in early.

It's going to come together.. don't worry. She's just shy of 4 months, and big changes take place between the fourth and fifth month.

Hugs to you!
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Offline cwolff

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2005, 21:40:46 pm »
Thanks for asking.  And it's been mixed.  I still cannot get her to take more than three naps a day, no matter when they are or how short.  Today, she's taken a short morning nap, and mid morning longish one, and 1/2 afternoon one.  So I have to put her down again, and I'm dreading it.  I am going to have to keep her afternoons way short I think, and see if that helps.  But I hate doing it if she's done good naps in the morning.  I'll let you know.

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2005, 15:24:51 pm »
The three naps might be what her body needs.  You mentioned the morning nap is short, but there's a longish one afterwards. What about extending the awake time prior to the first morning nap, just a wee bit?

It sounds like she's starting to move towards a 4 hour easy cycle.. hang in there.. it will come together.
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Offline cwolff

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Afternoon Napping driving me insane
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2005, 16:35:57 pm »
I tried that today, and it seems to have worked.  She is also getting out of that cranky stage too.  I'm able to keep her up almost the full 1 1/2 hours with no crankiness.  I haven't wanted to push my luck by trying for 2 hours.  Do you just awake time by when they wake in the crib, or when you pick them up?  And I hope we're moving towards 4 hour easy, because she eats better then too.  Of course, tomorrow we are going on a trip requiring 10 hours minimum in the car, and then gone for a week.  So I'm sure all h@#ll will break loose.