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Offline Lucysmom

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This made me feel sooooo much better!
« on: September 02, 2005, 12:54:22 pm »
Hi Everyone -

As is apparent from my multiple posts on here, my 13 week dd recently reverted to short naps.  I was convinced there was something I was doing wrong and that if I could just find out what it was the short naps would be gone.  Matthew's Mommy (Jane) shared some info with me that has reassured me and given me the strength to face another day of trying to extend my dd's naps.

From 0-3 months babies work on organizing their night sleep.  From 3-6 they work on organizing their day sleep.  What is happening is biological and is a normal blip.  In the meantime, I am going to try to extend her naps with wake to sleep so that she gets used to the sensation of going from one sleep cycle to the next.  I am keeping her awake time at 1.5 hours and will start moving her towards the 4 hour EASY when she is 3.5 months or so. 

Jane also advised that I do a pre-wind down before all naps.  So if the nap is supposed to start at 8:30, around 8:00 start walking around the house or the garden.  The swaying motion of walking releases a calming hormone in the baby.  Walk around until 8:15 and then start your wind down.  In my wind down I rock her for a bit, turn on a lullabye, take off her clothes, change her diaper, swaddle her, and then "slow dance" with her.  I may tweak the wind down/pre-nap routine but it worked well this morning.

Jane did say that it could take a while for things to get sorted out in regards to her day sleep.  But I just feel so much better knowing that what is happening is not my fault and it is just biology.  I also feel like I won't be as frustrated with her as it is just another part of her growing up. 

Thought I'd share as I feel like a new woman today.   :D

Take care everyone...

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hey there
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2005, 14:34:02 pm »
That is reassuring...and I think it's harder for them if they've never had any schedule like my little guy.  No wonder he's struggling with naps and nighttime sleep.  I guess I should just take the pressure off myself and know that it will improve with time.

Just getting him to go down within 5 minutes has lifted a huge burden off my shoulders.

I did guide him through a 1.75 hour nap this morning!   :P
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Offline Tammy: Ethan & Kaden's Mom

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This made me feel sooooo much better!
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2005, 19:29:41 pm »
Good for you Melissa!  I'm glad that you got a newfound outlook on the naps.  I know it is so hard, and you feel like a bad mommy because you can't help them sleep!

Hope you're day is still going as great!   :lol:

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This made me feel sooooo much better!
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2005, 13:30:12 pm »
Jane gave excellent advice (as always  :wink: ).

I am going to add this to the sticky for teaching sleep to 3-6mo.