Hi Zelka,
Actually it wasn't as awful as I expected it to be. I think it helped that we had gradually weaned her off of having the paci in her mouth while she was falling asleep, so what we had to break was relying on it to relax. I just had to spend more time with her to calm her down instead of relying on the paci and unfortunately there were tears involved. I also went back to being really particular with the routine, have to admit I had gotten a little sloppy there, having acquired a bit of a defeatist attitude.
She still woke up after 30 min on both the am and the pm nap. On the first nap I was able to do pu/pd after she started getting fussy (which wasn't terrible, only 7-10 times) and got another 45 min nap out of her. In the pm nap, did pu/pd again after the first short nap and got her calmed down but she did not sleep -- just hung out in the crib. I had to put her down for another nap late so she's not overtired for bedtime and got another 45 min. All in all, I'm considering this day a success: total 2.5 hrs of sleep made up 4 naps, 2 30 min and 2 45 min. Whew!
Oh, and on the curtains... Everyone who sees her room thinks I must be a little crazy - not only do I have black out backed drapes making the room very dark - I also have navy blue sheets hanging over the crib posts. LOL. She's an incredibly spirited one!