Lately (a couple weeks I think) R won't eat any bits of finger food in her highchair. She'll eat them in the living room or elsewhere, out of a little snack cup, but not off her highchair tray. It's literally the same food - today I picked up what she hadn't touched on the tray, and put it in the cup when we went out, and she wanted them. I give her cereal (several kinds), fruit chunks, bits of pancake, etc, and she isn't interested. She still eats frozen blueberries, but that's it for small pieces. She'll eat a slice of pizza or a whole pancake with no problem, just not if it's broken up. I've never heard of a baby not wanting cheerios!
Today, suddenly, she's started randomly freaking out during meals, and I can't figure out why. She'll suddenly turn away & cry, kind of like when she's done, but 10 seconds later is asking for more. Also, she was signing 'hungry' when she got up from her afternoon nap, even after 2 graham crackers, so I'm wondering about a growth spurt but then why the sudden upsets in the chair?
I'm not going to give in & feed her every meal on my lap, but don't know what to do or why she's suddenly not eating right. Any ideas?