Author Topic: is it separation anxiety at 14.5mths???  (Read 1320 times)

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Offline Lockyer

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is it separation anxiety at 14.5mths???
« on: September 04, 2005, 07:06:00 am »
Our DS is heading towards 15mths and has just started to go through what I would call separation anxiety. He never done this before and I havent changed routine with him, never let him cry it out or anything and cant think of anything to trigger it off. I used to be able to go out the door and no problem but now I cant even go to the door without him crying.

We went to full cream milk when he was nearly one, so thats not an issue, hes not ill, he is getting teeth though, but never done it before. He has been walking for about 2 months now so I know thats not it.

When I put him down for a nap he is fine, but some nights when he goes to bed I have to stay till hes asleep nearly before I can leave...and its not all the time he goes in waves where sometimes he is fine then other times he is terrible :?

I can leave the room in the house but when I go outside he just goes bananas. Do you think it is because he loves it outside soooo much?? But that doesnt explain the night time thing.

There is also the days where he will wake at 8am and others where he wakes at 5.30-6am...what to do, what to do
Any thoughts would be great,
Vanessa xx

Offline elfin

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is it separation anxiety at 14.5mths???
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 18:24:30 pm »

I will post back later when I have more time!

Myles 12/06/03

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is it separation anxiety at 14.5mths???
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2005, 12:00:07 pm »
I was going through the same problem with my DS when he was the same age, he is now just over 16 months and (fingers crossed) back to his normal rountine.

It was not me so much as my DH, every time we took him to nursery and DH dropped him off he was clinging to his leg and crying which was not like him at all.

Is this seperation problem the same with your DH as it is with you? 
Because DS was all for Daddy we deceided that I would do most of the dropping off at nursery, putting to bed etc etc.  This seemed to work and after a few weeks we could see him getting back to normal.  It is just an idea, it may not work but it is worth a try. 

I would just suggest that you do want ever is necessary to keep him calm, and if means that you have to stay with him until he is nearly asleep then that is best. 

We did this for a few weeks and now he is back to being left to fall asleep on his own etc etc. 

After a few nights try leaving him just to test the water so to speak.

Let us know how you are getting on.


Offline elfin

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is it separation anxiety at 14.5mths???
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 16:31:24 pm »

I found that 14-16 months was very trying in the sleep department.  Between getting molars and eyeteeth, and some separation anxiety, some days and nights were very tough.  The best advice I can give you would be to stay as consistent as possible with his bedtime routine and putting him down.  There may be nights when you have to give extra reassurance by going back into his room, but you have to give the message that it's time to go to sleep.

Hope this helps a little, and I'm sure he'll be back on track in no time!

Myles 12/06/03

Offline Lockyer

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is it separation anxiety at 14.5mths???
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2005, 23:55:21 pm »
Thanks for the replies. Declan seems to have been back to himself for the last two nights (touch wood), and has slept well.

He doesnt bother to do it with my DH as we wave to him each morning, if Declan is up, to him out the problems. I pretty much do everything for Declan as my DH's working hours are a bit hectic, so I am the one that puts him to sleep, naps etc. DH does have his Daddy time after bath each night though as this is when Declan has his sippy milk before bed (he is weaned).

I did just end up staying with him til he was nearly asleep and if he did stir I just done a gentle ssshhh, or a Mummy is just here in a really soft assuring seemed to work.

I am pretty sure he is getting teeth as he has just had two break through and now he has his fingers constantly jammed up the back of his mouth...maybe molars :(

Once again thankyou for the replies and I will let you know how he goes the next few nights. Vanessa xx