Our DS is heading towards 15mths and has just started to go through what I would call separation anxiety. He never done this before and I havent changed routine with him, never let him cry it out or anything and cant think of anything to trigger it off. I used to be able to go out the door and no problem but now I cant even go to the door without him crying.
We went to full cream milk when he was nearly one, so thats not an issue, hes not ill, he is getting teeth though, but never done it before. He has been walking for about 2 months now so I know thats not it.
When I put him down for a nap he is fine, but some nights when he goes to bed I have to stay till hes asleep nearly before I can leave...and its not all the time he goes in waves where sometimes he is fine then other times he is terrible :?
I can leave the room in the house but when I go outside he just goes bananas. Do you think it is because he loves it outside soooo much?? But that doesnt explain the night time thing.
There is also the days where he will wake at 8am and others where he wakes at 5.30-6am...what to do, what to do
Any thoughts would be great,
Vanessa xx