Author Topic: HELP!!!  (Read 1220 times)

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« on: September 04, 2005, 19:59:53 pm »
I have a little angel baby, but OMG naps make me want to rip every hair out of my head!!!!  we stop our activity and transisition into his room..........he's not overstimulated............I swaddle, but it's screaming and hollaring EVERY TIME!!  my poor toddler is either having me shush him as I try to get the baby down (7 WEeks old) or I am b/fing the poor dear!

tips on making nap time not so torturous????  he also can only sleep on his tummy.  He has his little lovey he sucks on, he just won't calm down, no matter how much gentle patting and shushing I do~~~

other then that, life is so great with 2 kiddos!

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 19:31:08 pm »
Hi there and welcome to the board!

First, let's take a look at the big picture..

How often does he feed? How long in between?

How long is the awake time?

How do you settle him to sleep?

What are his nights like?

Lastly.. have you taken a look at the announcement "Sleep and Newborns and Young infants"?  Do you have Tracy's new book?

Sorry for all the questions.. it just helps get a bigger picture!
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004


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« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2005, 04:01:47 am »
Thanks, sorry if my message was cryptic, I was in the middle of trying to get him down for a nap at the time and was at my wits end!!

how long does he feed?  pretty much every 3 hours (but the past day has been 1-2 hrs....growth spurt, I am assuming)

his awake time (including eating) is about 1 hr or so

I settle him by tracy's suggestions..........go into his room, swaddle him, hold him as he nestles into my shoulder and neck and as I feel his body relax, I'll lay him down.

nights are the same (well, for the 8pm sleep) but all the sleeps after that, until morning, are eating......then he's out (he'll get situated, but it's not the ordeal of our day naps)  he'll go a 5 hr. stretch, then a 4 (one night I was blessed with 7 hrs!!)

 haven't looked at the announcement yet, maybe if I am awake in the middle of the night again (my only quiet time) and yes, got her new book a few weeks ago and have already read it twice through!

I first recieved her book with my first ds, then went on to the toddler book!!  both my boys are angels, but this nap things just throws me for a loop because my first boy didn't have this issue with nap time!!

thanks for the reply!!

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2005, 18:17:37 pm »
I too had a lot of difficulties with settling Brendan to sleep when he was a newborn/young infant. It took a lot of time and patience.. lots of repetition.  And to top it off, I had a three year old to keep busy. omg  what a mess it was!

Here's what I learned:
-- keep awake times short, start wind down routine at first yawn or sleepy cue
-- Swaddle
-- Have a consistent wind down routine
-- Some babies like pat and shush.. some babies just like the shush
-- A dark room helps to settle

There's a post in the announcement "newborns and sleep" that has information about partial awakenings that you may find helpful.

Hope this helps!
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004