Hi, I'm currently weaning my 12 month old baby, I don't really want to, but I have to (but that's another story)...
Anyway, I've recently cut out the day time feeds and this morning Bethany refused the breast, so it looks like now it will only be night time and through the night.
But my question is, has anyone else had any problems with giving their toddlers cows milk as she is refusing and doesn't want to know, has anyone got any ideas?
I'm currently giving her cheese, yoghuts, sometimes custard to help increase her calcium intake, but would really prefer for her to have some milk, not too much but about 200ml, I know the recommendation is 400ml at 12m+, but with her yoghuts and cheese 200ml is enough, i believe.
Should I just keep trying, or should I try something different?
Hope you can understand me