our 9 week old ds is a good night sleeper but not so good during the day, can anyone help?!
Basically he wakes around 7am and has a 6oz feed, I then put him into cot when I see he is tired, usually around 8.30. I am then lucky if he sleeps for 2 hours, and will then feed another 6oz at 10.30 or 11.
I then try to put him back to sleep around 12.30 or 1 as soon as he seems tired but for the past few days he will drift off and then be awake within 10 or 15 mins. I try to pat shush him back off but most times we will eventually be so ed off I end up getting him up again.
Then he has 6oz bottle at 2.30 or 3 and again try to put him down to sleep around 4.
Usually he will whinge for a couple of hours in his cot with me either giving in and putting him in his swing so i can get on with tea or keep going in to him and giving him his dummy.
Then he will eventually be asleep by about 6 by which time it is almost time for his bottle and bed routine, so he only has 1 hour sleep at that point.
Then he has a bath around 7.30 and top up feed at 8.30, is asleep by 9 and then dreamfeed at 10.30, and then start all over again at 7 am. I cannot complain about night time sleep but how do I get a more structured day time nap routine?