Author Topic: 10 month old not taking pm nap  (Read 1220 times)

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Offline Liliben

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10 month old not taking pm nap
« on: September 06, 2005, 16:02:53 pm »
LO has been an angel baby for 3 months taking 2 naps and eating well. He's now 10 months and for the past 2 weeks has been fighting his afternoon nap and not eating. He did have a little cold, teething pain and is crawling backwards so I don't know if this has affected hin or whether he's ready for 1 nap. His usual schedule was
6.30 wake up

7.00 b/f
8.00 solids (never usually took much)
9.00 nap for 1.5 hours
11.00 b/f
12.30 solids
2.30 nap for 1.5 hrs
4.00 b/f
5.30 solids
7.00 b/f
7.30 bed
8.00 asleep

He is still shattered by 9.30 and goes down well for his nap and sleeps at least 1.25 but he refuses a nap at 2.30 and is shattered at 4.30 but if I let him nap then he won't be asleep by 8pm. I'm at a loss about what to do because I don't think I'm ready for 1 nap. But is LO?

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10 month old not taking pm nap
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2005, 22:24:56 pm »

We had this same hicup at almost exactly the same age and it lasted for 2 weeks - then right back to normal.  She also had a cold at the time and was learning to stand.  I still don't know what caused it but here is what i did.

Don't let the am nap be longer then 1hr and don't let her sleep longer then 11.5 hr at night (I see that is not an issue for you). 

Have you tried putting him down later for pm nap - like 3.00?

Offline Liliben

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10 month old not taking pm nap
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2005, 08:38:01 am »
Thanks for that.

I have tried the pm nap a little later at 3pm (having had wind down time of stories and songs for which he is quite settled and enjoys) but we had much of the same of pulling himself up to stand and wanting to play and me putting him back down which made him anngry for over an hour and a half. He'd then be shattered at 4.30 - 5 pm but if he slept he wouldn't be asleep by 8pm and if I he stays up he's extremely irritable. He crawled forwards for the first time last night so maybe it;s just his curiosity.

He was up at 6.30 this morning and shattered by 8.30 so was asleep just before 9am which to me suggest he's not ready for 1 nap. His am nap has always been slightly longer than pm so today I will cut this short like you suggest in the hope that he will need a pm nap as well.

Offline Liliben

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Is he ready for 1 nap?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 15:07:17 pm »
I manage to et back on track with 2 naps a day as long as I'm really rigid with my schedule which sometimes means I don't go anywhere. LO is shattered in AM so sleeps from 9.30 and I wake him up after 1 hour. In PM we have to be back in his room to wind down no later than 2pm and he'll sleep from 2.30 til 4pm. He's then definately ready for bath and bed by 6.15, bf at 7pm and sleep by 7.30. If I don't get him to his room he will not take a second nap. Today, we went to playgroup at 1.30pm and he seemed sleepy and was about to nod off in the pushchair as we got home by 2.30. But once we got to his bedroom he played again until 3.30 even though he was shattered an hour before.
My other problem now is that he's started waking in the night for no apparent reason. He doesn't wail but cries out to see if I'm there and will lie there awake as long as i'm in the room. At first I thought he was uncomfortable in some way, teething or cold? But it doesn't seem to be the case. He has just started crawling. COuld it be something to do with that? Or is he ready for 1 nap? Others have suggested I should just let him cry it out but I won't. Any ideas?