Author Topic: Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!  (Read 7179 times)

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2005, 09:22:16 am »
well - yesterday she did have a second 1 1/2 hr nap, but then today it was back to 45 min am and 1hr 30 pm so we will see.  at least with the increased length in awake time she did the second nap from 1:30-3pm so did not need the catnap.  i think we are pretty much on 2 naps as of now.  just need to owrk on making them both 1 1/2 hrs or getting the second one to hit 2+ hrs (my preference as that is where she will end up eventually anyway).

i am not sure how careful i was with the low key stuff today though - the weekend was easier with Dh here to balance me - 1 of us is then able to focus on her needs at any cycle.  when i am on my own (and mondays include commitment to Alex's daycare drop off and pick up times which dictate when i can put olivia down for both naps).  will be at home tomorrow all day so will try to see if low key + awake time = 2 longer naps as obviously awake time alone did not work this morning...
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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2005, 13:57:32 pm »
gosh, aren't we all struggling with the same stuff.

DS had his first 2 hour nap yesterday morning where I didn't have to help him at all.  Kept checking to see that he was breathing!  I kept A time at 2.25 hours for all intervals yesterday.  All naps were good (2,1.25,45 min-woke him up) but bedtime he took an hour to settle.

He slept through until 4:10am after finally going down at 9:00 (seems to only sleep through when down at 9!), i fed him, he stayed up until 5:30 then slept until 7:45 am when i woke him up!!!

What really shocked me is that he started to fuss while i was in the shower (he in bouncy chair watching me-what fun!) and it had only been 1.5 hours awake.  I figured he was bored.  got out and he still fussed while i dried off.  I've been watching the clock so intently i didn't realize he wanted to sleep!  so it took a 5 min. shh/pat battle but he went down just at the 1.75 mark!!!  He's been so good at doing 2.25 hours for days now. 

So-the more rested they are-do they need shorter awake times?  This was his best night sleep in a while :?:  :?:  :?:   These little creatures really are a mystery aren't they!

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Offline Little Bear's Mum

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2005, 20:12:19 pm »
Traci, I think sometimes they just get a bit tired before the clock. Just like we do I suppose. I've also discovered that sometimes when I hear ds for the first time, he may have been awake for 10 mins before. So infact, that's when clock watching doesn't work and reading his cues do. He definitely does this in the morning.

DS had his 5 month shots yesterday. He was a bit unsettled in the afternoon, but seemed okay. Went down at 6.40pm instead of 7pm though. Then at 10.15pm there was a murmer and a minute later an all out scream! I jumped out of bed went rushing in to get him. He was really hot and sooo upset. DH had been out, but thankfully walked thru the door at that minute. He gave him huge cuddles and about 5 mins later he had quietened, just wimpering. I tried feeding him, he wasn't interested. Checked the nappy, started screaming again, temperature fine but still got the Pamol out and gave him a dose of that. Seemed to do the trick. After about 15 mins more of cuddling he went to sleep. Phew. It was pretty scary as we've never seen him like that before. I'm so glad hubby walked in just when he did. Helped keep me calmer. As it was I was shaking from worry.

DS slept thru until 4amish had a quick feed then back to sleep until 6.10am. Didn't want to be by himself, didn't want feeding, so more cuddles and about a half dose of Pamol and an hour later back to bed again. Where he's sweetly sleeping now. I even left an arm out! Yep, I'm getting brave and going to try one arm each day nap now for a while. I figured he's had a couple of unsettled days, so what's a couple more if it will achieve what my goal is, to have him unwrapped before too long.

Debra, I know what you mean about getting the nap at the right time, and how it can made a difference. If DS afternoon nap wakes after 2.30pm then he can make it thru with a bit of struggle until bed at 7pm. Ideally I take him for a walk and he goes to sleep though. But if it's before 2.30pm, and he doesn't want to nap again, life gets tricky for the rest of the day. :cry: Then I definitely take him for a walk, or sometimes have to let him cry a bit to settle down to get another nap in.

Good luck with naps and awake time today girls! :D
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Jack'sMom

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Need Help With 45 Minute Naps
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2005, 01:19:01 am »
I have been reading advice on various posts for how to lengthen 45 minute naps.  My son is 9 weeks old and won't sleep longer than 45 minutes during the day.  I breastfeed and he is on a 3 hour feeding schedule.  We have a naptime routine with wind-down time.  He goes down for his naps really easily, but without fail, 40-45 minutes into the nap, he wakes up.  I used to think a burp was waking him up and would respond by picking him up and trying to get the burp out.  Sometimes a burp comes really easily and I can get him back to sleep.  But, more often than not now, I can't get him back to sleep.  I tried going in today at the 40 minute mark and holding him down and offering his pacifer and extended the nap by about 10-15 minutes.  Anyone have other tips for getting him to nap longer.

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2005, 01:28:13 am »
Jen, if you've tried other options all I can suggest is to try extending his awake time. Even slowly stretching it out by 15 mins might make a difference. This was the only solution out of the dozens that I tried that worked for my son. He was only staying awake 1h 15m and it just wasn't tired enough to get him to sleep over the 40 mins. It might not be the solution for you, but it's an option to try.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Jack'sMom

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2005, 13:33:26 pm »
Thanks Little Bear's Mum.  I will try keeping him awake longer.  Are you counting 1 hr 15 min from when your lo wakes up or finishes eating?

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2005, 20:24:11 pm »
Jacks Mom, I time the A time from when he first wakes, even if it's the morning and he may lie in his cot for 20mins first. So when he was doing 40min sleeps it looked like this.

W = wake
A = activity
C = cot
S = actually asleep


W 10.00
E 10.05am
C 11.15am (he would take max 10 mins to go to sleep and I would time from then)
S 11.25
W 12.05pm
E 12.45
C 1.20pm
S 1.30pm
W 2.10pm

HOpe this makes sense.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Jack'sMom

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2005, 13:01:03 pm »
Thanks Little Beas Mum...that makes sense.  We are working on extending his naps :)

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2005, 21:55:14 pm »
We seem to be winning gradually on the 45 minute naps. We have had three consecutive days now where he has done 2 and a half hours in the middle of the day with a short nap of 45 minutes either side.  We have done it by not going back in. Because we have donethe same at night i think it is what he is expecting now so provided he has had a good enough feed before hand and hasn't been awake for too long after we can get through. fingers crossed something approaching a routine is starting to emerge.



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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2005, 00:52:45 am »
Thanks everyone for this thread!  Abby is 10 weeks old and although we're miles ahead of where we were with my son at this age (she goes down awake and puts herself to sleep unless she's extremely overtired/stimulated), we're now dealing with 45 minutes naps. 

I think I'm going to try extending her wake times and see how that goes for a few days - she is often fussing and practically falling asleep on her feet so to speak after barely an hour, so I've been putting her down then as she looks so tired, but then if it's only a 45 min nap and i can't get her back to sleep, then she's way off her 3hr EASY - you know how it goes!  Will try very low-key wake times and try to extend the activity time a bit over the next few days.

Hang in there everyone - my now three year-old was an AWFUL sleeper until close to a year, and now he sleeps 12 hrs at night and still takes a 2hr nap - it's wonderful!  That fact keeps me going - if he could turn into a great sleeper, I'm sure things will get better with this one!
Dawn mommy to Gavin (5/2/02), Abby (7/8/05), and Rachel (5/28/07)

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2005, 01:26:29 am »
Dawn, good luck extending awake times. I know just what you mean about trying to do 3hr easy when there's 45m naps involved. Just keep the activity time really low key for the first few times. I've just extended ds awake time to around 2 hours and it only took a couple of days until he could happily do it himself.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline tracefo

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My 9 week old's 45 minute naps
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2005, 16:34:49 pm »
My daughter is 9 weeks old and I've tried to get her into the EASY routine since she was 5 days old.  The problem is that she won't sleep during the day for the 1 and half in the routine and then it's a toss up of what we should do next, let her fuss, feed her, try to get her back to sleep (I've only been able to do that once).  She falls asleep at night no problem, first nap, no problem, but after that it gets more and more difficult and the naps get shorter and shorter to the point that she is very overtired and very grumpy. I always do the four S's, I've tried starting the sleep routine at the first yawn, before the first yawn, long after the first yawn, etc and it doesn't seem to make a difference.  The most stimulating thing we do is watch the ceiling fan or the mobile in her  crib so I don't think she is over stimulated.  I've stayed with her for the duration of her naps so that I can be there when she statles or comes out of sleep but I can't seem to get her into the next sleep cycle and she gets so upset I have to pick her up.  I've tried starting the whole process again, she won't have anything to do with it unless there's been an Eat in there. (She knows the routine!)  I'm just waiting for her to get older so I can try the PU/PD thing, I know she's too young for it now.  I'm at the point where I'm not going to wake her up anymore if she actually sleeps longer than she's supposed to at any given nap or night time because it makes not difference and I feel I'm robbing her of sleep.  I try to follow the typical 3 hour EASY routine but most days it ends up being a 2 and a half or even a 2 hour routine because once she's fussy nothing makes her happy except to start again!
Any suggestions.  We don't get her to bed until 10pm (her dream feed) because she won't sleep until then!
Thanks for any help you might have.

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2005, 20:02:51 pm »
Hi Tracey, sorry I can't be of any help. I struggled with the same problem at the same age. I ended up with a 'snacking' baby, who wasn't getting enough to eat at one feed, so was then hungry again sooner than if he'd taken a full feed. Perhaps this is what's happening to your daughter? If she's b/fed, like my son, it's hard to know how much they are really taking. I ended up trying to hold out his feed times so he'd be hungrier, thereby doing:


I think this is quite common with a lot of BW mums who have short nappers. Perhaps put your post on the main nap board and see what other mums and the moderators etc have to say.

Sorry I can't be of any other help. The only experience I have is with a 5 month old boy who's teaching me the ropes daily. :lol:  :lol:

Best of luck.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline tracefo

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2005, 21:52:47 pm »
Thanks, Little Bear's Mom, I will try posting it on some of the other boards.  It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has these issues.  I did try to leave her today when she woke up but it turned into a full fledged "I'm really mad now" cry so I had to go in.  She's sleeping now though and it's been two and a half hours!  I guess I better get her up to feed!

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Success storys? Teaching bubs to get past 45min naps!
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2005, 01:21:38 am »
Hana, how is everything going? Any improvements?
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