I'm ready to start actually fighting for a schedule. She's a textbook baby and adjusts REALLY well.
Your fight will start w/ teaching her to fall asleep independently. If she truly is a textbook baby adapts easy then it will be hard to start w/ but she will get the hang of it real soon. I have fallen on props more then once and have come back from it fairly easy – but it took true consistency.
Next will be your schedule...in particular you wrote: she doze in her swing at 1.00 then trying to get be to sleep again at 2.00 – she won’t be tired again that soon. Have a look at the EASY forum for good examples of schedules for a 7mo old. You should be shooting for A times from 2.0-2.5hrs at least. An earlier bed time will also help w/ the night waking as she must be overtired by 9pm.
I would start from basics:
-start putting her to bed drowsy but awake - let her settle, when she starts to cry that "come get me now!" cry, go in and use pu/pu or shh/pat to help learn to put herself to sleep the rest of the way. You can not cave if you truly want to teach her to fall asleep and be able to put herself back to sleep as she moves from one sleep cycle to the next.
-read Tracy's new book and start w/ the chapter on teaching sleep
-download Tracy's sleep interview
-read the announcements above about teaching sleep for 6+mos (the last 2 are on the top of this forum).