Author Topic: HORRIBLE NIGHTWAKINGS please help!  (Read 4409 times)

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Offline Kaeli

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« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2005, 08:19:17 am »
Is so nice to hear others are going through the same as us!  My lo is 14 months and started waking at around 2am - 4am and is utterly inconsolable.  If I pick her up she absolutely loses it, if I go in and don't pick her up she absolutely loses it, and if I don't go in she screams and screams and screams.....the only thing that works is bf'ing her and I really really really don't want to get back into that habit!

She has 2 pre-molars through already, but the top eye teeth are coming through at the moment and I am guessing the top pre-molars/molars are pushing through at the moment.

the question I have is about the pain medication.  I am in the UK so the drugs are all different.  My question is - how does it work giving them meds before bed, does it not wear off by the time their normal middle of the night wake up is or do you guys in the states have longer lsting pain killers?

All advice greatly appreciated!

Kaeli, mummy to Georgia born 21/07/2004

Offline Lilah'sMommy

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« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2005, 21:47:48 pm »

Though the Tylenol is only supposed to last 4 hours, for some reason when I give it before bed it helps and we have no wakings.  If I don't, she wakes 3-4 hours into her night sleep.  Maybe it makes those first hours more restful, so she doesn't wake up for the next part...?  I don't know why it works, but it seems to.  But If I don't do it at bedtime, no amount of pain killer helps once she's woken.  I gues it's kind of like menstrual cramps for me; if I take the ibuprofen before it hurts, the pain is much less.  If I wait until it hurts, meds are useless.
wife to Roy, 6-29-01
mom to Lilah, 9-5-04
Iris, 1-8-07
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Offline Kaeli

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« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2005, 08:38:44 am »

I gave her Calpol before bed...... and she slept through! 

Her cheek was very red this morning so I really do think it was down to the pain meds that she slept through and not a less painful night!

I am going to do this whenever she has days that hint at a bit of pain as I really don't want to start giving it to her all the while!

Kaeli x
Kaeli, mummy to Georgia born 21/07/2004

Offline sandraorion

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« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2005, 15:01:16 pm »

The Motrin works better for us. It lasts longer too, Tylanol is 4-6 hours, Mortin is 6-8 hours.

We also noticed that giving it before bed works much better and helps him go through the night. I do, now suspect, that some of the early wakings might be due to the teething.
Sandra, mom to Adrian - July 30th, 2004 and Nina December 4th, 2007

Diego's Mama

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« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2005, 18:03:53 pm »
14 months here with Emilio and he's begun them too.  I'm quite certain it's seperation anxiety.  He cries hard now for his nap too, even when he's literally exhausted.  However, he will lie right down and go to sleep with my hand on his back.  Tracy says to ride these sep. anxiety phases out WITH the child.  Very important.  By leaving them to cry (just an fyi, not saying you are!!) you actually *increase and validate* their anxiety.  So, I'm settting up camp next to Emilio's crib tonight as needed.

Now, I suspect we have some eyeteeth bothering him too, so I'm giving him a shot of Motrin before *I* go to bed to maximize its effectiveness while I'm alseep.  I wake him a bit to give it to him.

True sep. anxiety will last a week or two if met lovingly and reassuringly and whilst not introducing new props.  BTW, I try not to pick Emilio up, just lay him down gently, offer him his blankie, tell him 'suck, suck, suck', his cue to suck his thumb and ride it out with him. 

He shares a room with Diego, who interestingly enough sleeps through most of it!

*yawn* I'm tired today though.

Florencia, they don't forget how to sleep independently ... don't worry, just gotta ride this one out.  There's often a huge sep. anxiety period when they start walking.  It's like the last tie to Mama being broken and is actually both thrilling for them, and very frightening in ways they don't understand.


Offline Florencia

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« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2005, 18:59:47 pm »
At the beggining I think it was a lot due to Sep. Anxiety and teething pain. We ride it out by staying next to him in the floor matress for 1+ hour after he was calmed. Now we don't have to do that anymore, since he's calmed by 10 mins or so. However, there are setbacks (like yesterday with a 1 hour night waking AGGG) but at least they're not as predictable/frequent as the first 4 weeks.

Now I just have to deal with the crankiness/whiny :x it's driving us MAD...

Thanks Laura, as always, a good / centered advise...

Here's a hug to all of us mommies who are sleep deprived and in the middle of this awful nights!  :wink: It sure does help to know that we're not alone!
Mom to Manolo, spirited monkey and Jose Miguel, an angel cupcake