Author Topic: adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???  (Read 5980 times)

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« on: September 10, 2005, 02:14:10 am »
We have struggled severely for the last four weeks to get our LO to go more than 1.5 hours between feedings or to take enough at any feeding to actually get full.  Recently she also starting spitting up and struggling just as hard to poo.  I went back to "the bible" and found in "the ABC's of correcting accidental parenting" that we might try adding a small amount of rice cereal to her formula (she is getting top up bottles after breastfeeding).  I am wondering how much is a small amount, is she too young at 4 weeks and if anyone has tried this, had any other successful advice!!!  HELP!!!  We just want her to have an easier time of pooing and maybe get a little sleep - the 1.5 hour thing happens at night too!

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2005, 02:38:43 am »
Hi Lua,
We thickened bottles with Nathan starting at about 8 weeks (1 tsp per oz), but only because of reflux and only on doctor's orders.  I would probably wait to start until you talk to her doctor.  You don't want her filling up on cereal and not getting the milk that she needs.  Also, for us, using cereal had no impact on sleeping longer at night.   :(  It might be different for your lo though...  Also, using rice cereal in bottles constipates most kids, so maybe try oatmeal cereal if you are worried about her poops.  Good luck!   :)

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2005, 03:02:45 am »
i would definitely seek help from a midwife or doctor first.  cereal IS constipating for many kids so that woudl make it worse for her.  also although there seems to be a huge push for adding cereal to bottles (especially in the states) everything i have read in australia says to delay any actual cereal until 4 months due to digestion issues they can cause.

thickened formulas (at least the one we ended up using) are made with predigested / broken down cereal or cornflour so are gentler on their tummy.

i would think you woudl be better off finding a lactation consultant / midwife who could work with you on how to get lo to take a better feed - and at this age even 2 hours is fine (especially if she is not taking a full feed currently) she is still young so as long as she is feeding 1.5 - 2 hrs apart i woudl not worry so if you set that as a smaller goal  you might find it easier on you all.  if you can get her to take a little more at each feed she might start going 2 + hrs between and then improve from there. what is she currently doing when you feed?  how much are you topping up with?

i hope you don't mind me asking, but i was wondering why you are topping up with formula currently? if it is to help her go longer between feeds i fear you may be doing yourself a disservice in the long run if you want to continue BF.  also, the formula you are topping her up with coudl be causing the constipation.  if she were to take more breastmilk (or a non-constipating formula) the extra fluids woudl help "move things along".
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2005, 11:32:26 am »
Hi Lua, I have to agree with debinoz here, If you wish to continue breast feeding it's not a good idea to top up every time with a bottle. The more your Lo sucks the more milk you will produce. Therfore the less your LO sucks the less milk you will have also it is true that with time your LO will prefer the bottle for feeding and if he's anything like mine he will like the breast for comfort. This is what happened to me anyway. In the end I had to stop breast feeding as the hole prosess was taking to long and my LO was fussing to much.

Also are you leaving him long enough on each breast in order to get the hind milk this might be one reason why he gets hungry so soon.
I too would seek help from a doc before you give your LO cereal he still is very young. If I had to guess I reckon it's the bottle thats making him constipated as I'm suffering with my LO at the moment.

Hope I was of some help, good luck. :lol:

Ps. My LO didn't settle down and start sleeping for longer hours untill he was six weeks. It was like magic he just calmed right down and became more aware of his suroundings and rested. So hang in there.

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2005, 12:50:23 pm »
I would always advise against it, except upon doctors orders.  Here's a little more reading for you that may help you make a decision :)

Harvey - 18 Nov 2003

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2005, 13:36:54 pm »
Definitely talk to a doctor, but everything I've read (and everything my ds's pediatrician has told me) says that 4 weeks is WAY too early for rice cereal.  Even formula companies say don't give it to them before 4 months old - they may develop problems later on like gluten allergy or, worse, diabetes.

It's very normal for a little one to be eating every 1.5 hours at that age.  They really need it... it means they are growing.  It's a good thing!  You need to 'fatten them up' because this will help their nervous system tremendously!

I hope your doctor is knowledgeable about breastfeeding, too, because some know more about formula feeding and give advice based on that.  There is also so great advice and very knowledgeable people in the Breastfeeding forum.  Be sure to check out the information there.

My personal experience: my bm was getting less and less, and my ds was still really hungry, so I started giving him some formula to 'top him off'.  I mention this to his pediatrician who told me that this will only make my milk supply even less!  The key is to drink as much water as possible, make sure to eat at least 3 meals a day (preferrably 5 smaller meals) and get LOTS of rest!!

Let us know how things are going.
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

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Re: adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2005, 22:06:08 pm »
Quote from: Lua
We have struggled severely for the last four weeks to get our LO to go more than 1.5 hours between feedings or to take enough at any feeding to actually get full.  Recently she also starting spitting up and struggling just as hard to poo.  I went back to "the bible" and found in "the ABC's of correcting accidental parenting" that we might try adding a small amount of rice cereal to her formula (she is getting top up bottles after breastfeeding).  I am wondering how much is a small amount, is she too young at 4 weeks and if anyone has tried this, had any other successful advice!!!  HELP!!!  We just want her to have an easier time of pooing and maybe get a little sleep - the 1.5 hour thing happens at night too!
I'm going thru the same thing with my lo at the mo, he is 4 wks old..I have just bought a new formula that Cow and Gate do, it's a thicker formula called Omneo Comfort suitable from birth and can help babies with reflux...well hopefully it can! You might like to give it a try too..Good luck!!   Chech out my new posting...!!!

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2005, 22:39:48 pm »
Just wanted to say that even though cereal isn't recommended at such a young age, having a baby that refluxes is a completely different story. (I saw that your LO is a refluxer on a different post, right?)  Every doctor and specialist we spoke to said to thicken, thicken, thicken.  If we hadn't, I am sure that the choking and poor weight gain would have continued for my son.  So each situation is definitely different as to whether to thicken or not...  Good luck with the thickening agent!   :wink:

Offline Lua

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lactose intolerant after all of that!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2005, 23:16:23 pm »
We continued our experimenting (taking foods out of my diet, and then hers etc.) until we discovered Enfilac - a lactose free formula that has changed my LO's life!  She can smile and coo now that she has time to do more than scream!  We are not thickening this formula, just so that you know.  Unfortunately her intolerance includes my breastmilk, so it's a bottle now - but I am willing to do anything to allow my LO to be happy and thrive so much better!!!

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2005, 02:49:17 am »
Glad you found something that helps!!!  Isn't it great to finally see your real kiddo, smiling and happy?  So glad for you guys...   :wink:

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adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks???
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2005, 02:59:35 am »
Quote from: Debinoz
i hope you don't mind me asking, but i was wondering why you are topping up with formula currently? if it is to help her go longer between feeds i fear you may be doing yourself a disservice in the long run if you want to continue BF. 

I did this w/ my baby because ppl kept telling me "she is still hungry, give her formula to top her off" or "she is suppossed to eat every 3 hours, not less" when she was still only a few weeks old. and because I didn't BF very often, I ended up producing less milk.

Offline dibble

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Re: adding small amounts of rice cereal to formula - 4 weeks
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2005, 08:14:02 am »
This is the exact problem that i have had with my lo...also 4 weeks old...i didn't like the idea of using baby rice to thicken,so i bought Cow and Gate's Omneo just 2 days i had a new baby!  No snacking every hour and a half...awake AND happy... :shock: 3 and a half hour gaps between feeds....even went back down to sleep this morning after his 6:30 feed....and wots more...he's still asleep now and it's 9:10 !!!  Obviously...i'm not holding my breathe...and it wont work for everybody...but it might be a good starting point for very unsettled babies and safer than adding rice to very young babies bottles...Good luck !