Author Topic: How and when do I wean from the breast?  (Read 1833 times)

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Offline zelkad

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How and when do I wean from the breast?
« on: September 12, 2005, 00:23:37 am »
Our little guy is almost 7 months old and is still breastfeeding.  We're both enjoying this. I will be going back to work in February (he'll be just about a year then) I plan on still nursing him morning and night.  (Pumping at work is not an option) I do have a few concerns though...

1.  Do I give him ebm in a bottle once in a while now or do I try a sippy cup?  When should I do this if my goal is to have him partially weaned by February?  We've been practicing with water from a sippy cup that's got a bottle like nipple...(he tries to bite it!)

2.  Will using a bottle be a good idea since it's something we'll have to break later?

3.  Is it realistic to go straight to cup?  A one year old wouldn't know how to drink from it on his own would he?

I guess my concern is that I'd like to do this gradually so it's as easy as possible.

Also, becasue he'll be almost a year then, would I go straight to homogenized milk or do I need to use formula in February?  He's only ever had bm. 

And to make things more confusing, if I keep the morning and night nursings, would he take other milk during the day??

Thanks for reading and I hope someone can advise me!!


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How and when do I wean from the breast?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2005, 00:57:46 am »
If you decide to wean that is your choice. There is no reason why you couldn't continue nursing while you work. I would just introduce a sippy now and start cutting back just a touch on the breast. By the time you are ready to go back to work you will probably only nurse morning and night anyway. Babies under a year should still be on formula or breast but at age one they can easily take a sippy of homogenized milk just fine.  I have known a lot of people who just replace a feeding with a sippy of milk and it goes great. Others, like my son, sort of just went off the day feeds himself.
A note of concern with weaning: always make sure to replace the liquids and calories lost. Increase how much food you offer. Watch for signs of dehydration: no tears with crying, less wet diapers, listlessness or excessive fussy periods. Watch his weight gain.
Overall it isn't hard to wean. It's harder on mom than babe. :wink:
Good luck and let us know what you decide.

Offline GraceKellysmom

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How and when do I wean from the breast?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2005, 01:09:50 am »
I would wait until he is 10 months old. Sure, you can start offering a sippy with water in it now at his solids meals. Most do well with one with a soft spout, that is light so they can tip it themselves.

Around 10-11 months, babies often drop one or both day feeds by themselves. So I wouldn't worry about anything until then. Enjoy your breastfeeding, it goes too fast!  :cry:  :D
Stacy, Mama to
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Offline zelkad

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How and when do I wean from the breast?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2005, 12:35:20 pm »
Thanks for replying ladies!!  Your input is very helpful!!  I'll keep with the sippy and water for now and not worry about ebm in a cup until the 10 or 11 month mark.  I never thought I'd enjoy bf so much.  When I started, I thought, okay, we'll do this for a couple weeks and here we are now almost 7 months later.  Anyhow, much appreciated!


Offline Jrolph

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How and when do I wean from the breast?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2005, 13:13:32 pm »
I am so thankful for this website. Every time that I have a question there is usually a similar one on here.  I am returning to work in November and I also have enjoyed breastfeeding more then I thought I would.  The issue I have is that my DS likes to eat just before his naps so that he is full while sleeping.  He falls asleep on his own but he just likes to breastfeed before his naps so we have adjusted for this.  I am dreading having to try to get him to take a cup of milk before his naps but maybe I will just try and get rid of those feeds all together.  I would like to keep the monring and bedtime feeds if possible, but who knows maybe when I go back to work I will want to get rid of those too.  My DS doesn't like Milk out of the cup though.  He will drink water like crazy but I think it's just because he isn't used to the taste.  I'm going to keep trying and I am sure that he will eventually like it.  He did the same with awter at the beginning.  Babies sure are a learning experience and I am so glad that this board is here to help ease the transition.



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How and when do I wean from the breast?
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2005, 00:09:13 am »
Somebody said to offer cold milk in a sippy cup instead of warmed up. I am not saying to take it straight from the fridge, of course, but to make a distinct difference in temperature.

Also, if offering cow's milk, use whole milk, but you probably know that already  :lol: .

Offline GraceKellysmom

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How and when do I wean from the breast?
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2005, 03:13:01 am »
JRolph, your baby will be so different by November! Their eating patterns change between 9-12 months. Max is/has been only nursing 3 times/day. He eats 3 solid meals and 2 snacks. You can work it out with their schedule, whether 1 or 2 naps, to give solids at certain times. Max likes to nurse before his nap too, he takes one 3 hr nap, but he certainly would be fine without nursing.


(PS I LOVE LOVE LOVE nursing!  :wink: )
Stacy, Mama to
Grace Kelly 01/03, Maximilian Alexander 07/04, Faith Noelle 03/07, Henry Patrick 12/08
and my angel babies