Hi Sumita,
My 9 mos old will only drink about 16 - 20 oz a day of formula (plus a few sips of water from his cup here and there). He eats three meals, plus some snacks of cheerios, especially when we are in the store to keep him happy - bad habit, I know. For his meals, I usually spoon feed him while he is eating finger foods on his tray.
For breakfast, he will eat about 1/3 - 1/2 a mug of cereal mixed with fruit. He also snacks on cheerios while I am spoon feeding him.
For lunch, he usually has about 4 oz of baby yogurt and will eat pieces of food from his tray, like maybe a waffle (he will eat about 1/4 of it).
For dinner, he will eat a 4 oz jar of veggies, and will eat pieces of food from his tray, like pieces of chicken or turkey.
Hope that helps...