For about a week when all this trouble started, we kept him on his regular routine (7 a.m. up,8:30 nap, 12:30 or 1 nap, 7 p.m bed), except an early bedtime if he did not nap. Things did not improve at all, and he was missing several naps a week, so we tried a week having him go down at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. for naps, but kept the same wake up and bedtime (except tried for an early bedtime if he did not nap). Still, we did not see improvement. This morning he seemed tired at about 8:20 so I put him down, but as soon as I put him in his crib, he rolled over and sat up (like he has been doing), and he fussed and cried and played for about 30 minutes and stopped seeming at all tired. NOrmally I would let him be in bed for an hour, but I just couldn't do it today (I was just losing my mind), so I got him up after 30 minutes. When I went to nurse him at 10, he began to fall asleep, so I quickly took him to his room and put him down, and he immediately began to cry. Finally, at 10:38, I swaddled him (something I haven't done for several months), and he stayed swaddled except for one arm and slept for an hour...I think because he was forced to remain on his back--I heard him stir at 30 min but he went quiet right away. When I tried for a nap again this afternoon at about 3, I tried to swaddle him again, but he broke out of it and rolled to his tummy and woke promptly at 30 minutes crying. The past 2 nights we have also put him to bed at 7:45 instead of 7. He usually sleeps with some music playing and a blankie (but he has lost interest in his blankie quite a bit the past couple weeks). Also, he is not usually nursed or rocked to sleep, but I try to do some wind down with him of reading and cuddling...sometimes it is hard because he is very active and squirmy.