Author Topic: random bouts of shorter naps  (Read 1301 times)

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Offline me and bean

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random bouts of shorter naps
« on: September 13, 2005, 04:48:48 am »
hey everyone

has anyone else been through this?  am wondering if it is a pattern i should nip in the bud with pu/pd or just go with the flow.

generally my lo is a great napper.  usually 1.5-2 hrs + catnap.  then for 2-3 days in a row, he'll do only 45-60mins in the morning.  depending on how he wakes up, i'll either get him up or put a mobile over his head and leave him to coo.

and then, after those few days, he rights himself and goes back to his usual routine.

there is alot going on with him developmentally i should add, and his dad is away...
Susan -
mum to michael, aka bean!  april 1st, 2005
and cope, october 15th, 2007

Offline Aarismom

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random bouts of shorter naps
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2005, 17:28:15 pm »
Count your lucky stars ;)

I'm lucky to get hour naps at all at this point, and nothing seems to be working to fix them. Keep her up longer? 30 min naps. Shorten the time she's up? 30 min naps. Get her well rested at night? 30 min naps. Put a hand on her back? Doesn't seem to work anymore, 30 min naps. Try and re-settle with PU/PD? Refuses to go back to sleep, cause now she's awake. She's going through that nasty developmental stage that happens at 3-5 months. I have to wonder if I'll ever get my good napper back so I can get my sanity back. :cry: She's been doing it for weeks now, I'm surprised it hasn't completely fouled up her nights yet.

Sorry, needed to vent a little. This is soooo frustrating.

Honestly though sounds like you're in good shape. Every lo has off days, and a solid hour nap is the minimum of restorative. Just keep up with what you're doing :)

Sonya =P

Texbook/Angel LO
April 26, 2005

Offline me and bean

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random bouts of shorter naps
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2005, 21:48:35 pm »
hey sonya

thanks for the reality check. :oops:

bean when through the 30min napping too.  i put him on 4hr easy at 4mths and never looked back.  took a fair amount of work, and yep, the worst part was extending naps, but like you see, generally it rocks.

really, keep trying.
Susan -
mum to michael, aka bean!  april 1st, 2005
and cope, october 15th, 2007

Offline Aarismom

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random bouts of shorter naps
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2005, 22:02:16 pm »
hehe didn't mean to make you feel bad about it :oops: I just had a super bad day with naps, and it seems like there's no end in sight.

Seriously though, you're doing a great job, I can't wait until mine gets out of this short napping thing. You'll have to tell me your secret of getting out of that phase!!!! How long did it take you to get regular naps after you moved the window up?

Sonya =P

Texbook/Angel LO
April 26, 2005

Offline me and bean

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random bouts of shorter naps
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2005, 04:28:53 am »
i don't feel bad, just get so caught up in all you know?  like i'm following the book to the letter then forget to listen to him sometimes.

it didn't take us long at all really.  the first day was hell.  listening to him cry gutted me.  but i made a decision to do pu/pd to extend his naps and stick with it.  there was crying 45mins+.  and those 'heart sluffs' tracy talks about, they keep going throughout the sleep when they finally do drop off, and that is sooooo sad to listen to.

the second day, heaps better, started to sleep past 30mins, and by the third started to sleep through that 45min mark.

he's textbook, so he picks up routine pretty quickly.  it's usually me who needs the spine to try.

but the WHOLE thing got better.  naps got longer, he slept through the night, he feed better, he became an even happier more content little dude.

i know, pass the bucket... :wink:
Susan -
mum to michael, aka bean!  april 1st, 2005
and cope, october 15th, 2007